Breakfast for Two

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Se-ri swallowed the last bits of well-chewed waffle in her mouth, reaching for her orange juice to take a long swig from the glass.

He was looking at her.

She placed the glass of juice down.

The silence was deafening.

He was still looking at her.

Not just looking, but gazing intently with his typical wistful eyes and what was unmistakably, raging desire.

She was starting to feel uneasy under his visual scrutiny, especially when her bathrobe lapels were wide open and she could actually really do with another waffle, or one of those strawberries with cream.

This was Ri Jeong Hyeok for goodness' sake; she would definitely do him again and again soon? Her legs were still tired from last night.

Hmmm. Here goes nothing.

"Seconds for you?" She slowly asked with an overly-cheery smile, waving at the breakfast spread.

He gaped at her almost incredulously, exhaling with disbelief.

"You're really asking me that?"

She nodded quickly with widened eyes, "Look, there's bread, eggs, ummm lots of things- eeep!"

Se-ri's attempt at breaking the silence further ended in a surprised yelp, when Jeong Hyeok literally lunged forward to push her back onto the plush pillows behind her.

The tips of their noses touched, and she could feel his warm breath, tinged with the smoky fragrance of bacon and fresh bread, grow more ragged at being in close proximity to her.

By now, no words were needed. It was clear as day that he wanted her.

"I'm not done eating, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi." She tried to sound firm, or at least, as firm as one could manage with a breast exposed while lying underneath a hot, aroused male.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to let you eat, Yoon Se-ri."

"No?" She retorted, scrunching her nose up at him, propping herself up into a sitting position. "If you even remember, just ten seconds ago you were looking at me as if you wanted to eat me up."

He closed his eyes for a second, evidently exasperated.

"We can multi-task."


Confusion was etched across her features, until he reached across the trolley table to pick up a halved strawberry, bringing it to her lips.


Things were about to get kinky.

"I told you this on the first day we met here, didn't I?" He said quietly, staring at her straight in the eyes. "I wouldn't be able to stop myself from taking you again and again, if I crossed the line."

Not complaining though, Se-ri thought.

She was practically at a loss for words in the face of his passion, expressed so straightforwardly. No man has ever been this forthcoming with her; South Korean men were more prone to playing mind games, and ready access to technology meant that a lot of words that should have been spoken face to face, were often reduced to unfeeling texts on a phone screen.

Keeping her eyes trained on Jeong Hyeok's, Se-ri took a small tentative bite of the strawberry...

...before his lips gently met hers. A subsequent small rush of juices running down the side of her mouth told her that he was sharing the sweet treat.

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