Our Story

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"You're awake."

The familiar baritone voice sliced through the fog in her sleep-addled mind.

Her head felt oddly heavy, before her eyes flew open with a start as memories of the previous night's events came rushing back to her.

Se-ri had always thought she was now better in handling her emotions, but last night clearly showed that it wasn't the case.

It had been a full-blown meltdown, complete with uncontrollable bawling.

Now that the storm had passed, all that was left was immense embarrassment and disbelief.

How was she going to face him?

Wait a minute. She didn't even recall being in a bed.

Pushing herself up on an elbow, Se-ri cast a glance at her phone by the bedside.

9.30am. Day 9, Sunday.

There was something; something which they had planned for. Now, if only she could recall what it was...

"Oh no! We are late for the white water rafting-"

Her feeble move to scramble out of bed -partly a futile attempt to rush to their pre-booked activity, and partly to avoid Ri Jeong Hyeok- was intercepted by none other than said man.

Two strong masculine arms, solid and warm, encircled her shoulders before drawing her into a snug embrace.

Not knowing what to do, she froze in his hold, still at a loss over how to face him after that massive emotional meltdown

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Not knowing what to do, she froze in his hold, still at a loss over how to face him after that massive emotional meltdown.

She could hear his heartbeat.

Steady, comforting.

Then came his soothing voice, amplified by their current proximity.

"Are you trying to run away?"

Having been caught in the act and called out for it, Se-ri exhaled with a soft sigh, drawing apart from the embrace.


Jeong Hyeok's eyes softened at how adorable she sounded with her response.

"You want to go white water rafting that badly?"

An amused half-smile broke out on her face.


Tenderly brushing stray strands of hair out of her face, Jeong Hyeok continued questioning gently.

"So why are you trying to run away?"

"Why are you asking when you know the reason?" Her wistful expression held signs of mock reproach.

Se-ri felt him place his palms on each side of her shoulders, gently squeezing them.

"Running away isn't the solution to anything."

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