A Comme Amour

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It was a chilly Sunday evening, and Jeong Hyeok had just packed his work bag for the following day.

He was expecting a hectic Monday, with him due to visit two of his professors nearby in Brienz at the music school he had attended before his military days.

Se-ri was still kept in the dark about this, but Jeong Hyeok was about to collect letters of recommendation from his professors as part of his application for Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy, Classical music profile, at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

He was slated to undergo an audition and interview later in the week as well.

If all went according to plan, Jeong Hyeok would be able to spend an entire year in Lucerne for the following academic year.

It would be wonderful if he could surprise her with this piece of news.

Then he heard it.

Strains of the piano.

Stopping in his tracks, he closed his eyes and listened.

There it was again.

Unmistakably, it was 'Song for Brother', the one which he had written for Mu Hyeok.

It was coming from somewhere on the ground level.

There was no one in the house except for Se-ri, so it has got to be her.

But...a piano?

Trotting down the stairs silently, Jeong Hyeok's military training quickly helped identify the location from which the music was coming.

He realized that she hadn't shown him to that room before.

The door clicked opened, and there she was.

Se-ri, sitting at a grand piano.

Jeong Hyeok's lips were parted, face washed blank with confusion as his brain struggled to take in the information from his widened eyes.



Standing in gleaming contrast on a creamy white hemp carpet was a grand piano.

Not just any grand piano, but a Steinway Model M.

The room was tastefully decorated, with a small side cabinet with shelves and drawers, presumably for books and sheet music. Artificial sprays of baby's breath adorned various corners of the room.

Framed up on the wall behind the grand piano, was none other than the photo of them taken in the previous year at the music festival.

A small smile played on Se-ri's lips, and Jeong Hyeok instinctively knew that she was very pleased with his reaction.

Pushing the piano bench back, she ran over to him excitedly, holding him by the arm to drag him over to where the piano was.

Pushing the piano bench back, she ran over to him excitedly, holding him by the arm to drag him over to where the piano was

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