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Yoon Se-ri had gone through her fair share of rough patches in life.

Examples include taking investment gambles which could potentially bankrupt her company.

Being abandoned at a beach at night.

Getting her name dragged through the mud with some dating scandals.

Surviving a gun shot wound.

Crash landing in North Korea due to freak winds while paragliding.

Of course, not forgetting her latest achievement - delivering a baby without epidural because she had slept through her dilation.

The CEO/heiress thought she would have seen it all, done it all, and that there was nothing else on this earth that could faze her.

Until she had a baby, and life irrevocably changed.

There were immeasurable joys that came with Jeong Hwan, of course. She was so completely, utterly in love with this tiny being.

Se-ri, who had her own fair share of doubts about motherhood, now found herself contented with sitting by the little crib in the baby room, watching her slumbering baby.

She would take so many photos of him, and meticulously back them up in her Google photo drive.

Most of all, she loved to watch Jeong Hyeok and Jeong Hwan together. The former, living up to all expectations, was simply excellent.

Even if they were clueless over what to do at times with the baby, the fact that he was always there by her side was helpful enough.

Good things aside, Se-ri had never imagined motherhood to be so difficult.

In the last two weeks, she had been puked on in the form of projectile vomiting, had poo diapers leak on her, and got hit in the eye by a tiny flailing arm.

Dealing with her episiotomy wound was embarrassing enough.

Freshly after delivery, she had to take painkillers and dab at the stitched-up wound with antiseptic solution thrice a day. Jeong Hyeok was always there to help her with it, though it made her so self-conscious to be seen in such a state.

He had to help her to the bathroom, and cleanse the fresh wound in between her legs.

"Yeobo...it's okay, I can do this by myself." She had awkwardly said during the second time she had to disinfect the wound. Thankfully, the first time had been done by a female nurse.

"What did you call me?" Jeong Hyeok had asked, as he doused a cotton pad with antiseptic solution.


"Exactly." Softly nudging Se-ri's legs apart as she sat on the toilet seat, he dabbed gently at the raw wound. "You suffered and fought so hard to bring our son to this world. If I can't even do this for you, I am not worthy to be your Yeobo."

Se-ri also learnt how painful breastfeeding can be. She acknowledged that nipple cream was her new breast frien- sorry, best friend - and that one could really cry over spilled milk.

Waking moments were spent gobbling her meals, pumping out excess breastmilk to store in the fridge and doing household chores.

Her usual housekeeper was still coming over on a weekly basis, but with an infant, laundry was never-ending.

Right now, faced with her furious, red-faced, wrinkly baby, who was currently screaming his head off while waving those spindly arms and legs, Se-ri concluded that she felt very much defeated indeed.

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