Harmony in Discord

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"Miss Yoon, this is Mr Ri Jeong Hyeok from...North Korea." The program organizer of the recital introduced, rather awkwardly. "Surely you must know of him-"

Know of him? I know him in ways you cannot imagine.

"Oh, I believe so." Se-ri put on her best professional facade, mindful to maintain a faint display of apprehension as she replied in English.

They were North and South Koreans after all.

She slowly extended a hand. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Mr Ri."

Politely, but equally cautious in displaying a certain degree of reservation, Jeong Hyeok took Se-ri's hand and shook it

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Politely, but equally cautious in displaying a certain degree of reservation, Jeong Hyeok took Se-ri's hand and shook it.

"It is equally my pleasure," He kept his tone professionally-detached. "Miss Yoon Se-ri. Did you enjoy the performances?"

"I am very impressed by the high caliber of the representatives this year. Clair de Lune by the North Korean representative was exceptionally moving. Don't you agree, Mr Baumann?"

"Yes indeed. We are seeing many up-and-coming young talents this year at this recital sponsored by Seri's Choice and Queen's Group."

The formal conversation among the three dragged on a little further, before Se-ri said softly in Korean, "We should stop interacting with each other. There are other Korean musicians here."

"I agree." Jeong Hyeok replied in his native tongue.

"That was Korean?" Mr Baumann asked. His curiosity was understandable; it was not every day that one got to see North and South Korean individuals interact.

"Yes. We share a common language." Se-ri replied nonchalantly. "I was just telling Mr Ri to have a good time. Please
excuse me for now, I would like to go to the washroom."

With that, and a few polite smiles, Se-ri quickly took her leave.

It was difficult enough holding herself back from standing close to, or holding hands with Jeong Hyeok; considering how she would always naturally gravitate towards him.

To talk to him in such close proximity made it even harder to pretend that they did not know each other. It was a huge test of acting skills indeed, she thought.

The couple was presently at Hotel Victoria Jungfrau, attending an annual piano recital made possible by Se-ri and her family's sponsorship.

With both North and South Korean delegates around, any form of whistle-blowing could happen if they weren't careful. It was best to keep a low profile, both had decided.

There was too much at stake, and it was best to be prudent.

So much so that, Se-ri had actually rented a car for the day, just so that the two of them could attend the event separately without arousing suspicion.

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