Over the edge

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"So you'll really be out for most of the morning and afternoon tomorrow?" Se-ri asked from her sitting position on the bed, chin dipping to her chest as she put her hairbrush down after running it through her freshly blown-dry hair.

She could hear Jeong Hyeok exiting the bathroom. "I promise to come back as soon as I can. We should be able to have dinner together."

"But still, that's a good 8 hours without you by my side..."

Fluctuating emotions - bliss at having such a typical, normal couple conversation, and dismay over not having more time together- brought a pout to her lips.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be upset." His voice and footsteps sounded close by, indicating that he had entered bedroom.

"Okay, okay... I mean, I know it's work. I am already thankful enough to be reunited with you...it's just that I'm hoping for more time togeth-"

Her grouses died mid-way on her lips when she instinctively raised her head to regard her lover.

Her grouses died mid-way on her lips when she instinctively raised her head to regard her lover

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Bare, broad muscled shoulders...tight, flat abdomen...and lean hips on which a white bath towel barely clung on to.

Droplets of moisture clinging on to his skin glistened in the glow from the dimmed hotel room's lights.

After living with her father and two brothers for most of her younger life, a towel-draped man stepping out from a bath should have been nothing out of the ordinary.

But this was Ri Jeong Hyeok, the man who has come to mean the world to her. Emotions aside, the sight of his masculine, sculpted body and dashing face was more than her senses could bear.

Arousal grew in her mind like a swirling cloud, seeping out into her system in the form of growing wetness at her nether regions, as fantasies wove themselves into physicality.

Jeong Hyeok must have noticed her awestruck reverie, though she missed the slight smugness on his face. "You were saying?"

Se-ri visibly jolted, a hand instinctively gripping her forgotten hairbrush to feign preoccupation with combing out her tresses to avoid eye contact. "I was just saying that I would love to have more time with you tomorrow...I mean, of course I will miss you..."

"I will miss you too."

Then she felt the bed sink when he sat down on its edge beside her, and a warm masculine hand wrapped itself around hers to ease the hairbrush out of her grip.

"Here...let me do it."

Gently, while maintaining increasingly smoldering eye contact, Jeong Hyeok ran the hairbrush through Se-ri's long wavy hair.

There was always a unique quality in watching him find joy and satisfaction in doing little things for her, she mused.

"As you know, the official reason why I am here is to establish and advance music education back home. There are university professors to meet, numerous theory and composition lectures to sit in for, and to check on the progress of the North Korean students who are currently here..."

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