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Ri Jeong Hyeok stirred as morning sun rays peeped into his face. He drew a deep breath of the chilly air, heavy with room perfume, languidly stretching his neck.

Shifting, he pressed his cheek into the cool, almost silky pillow, one that felt rather unfamiliar.

Shifting, he pressed his cheek into the cool, almost silky pillow, one that felt rather unfamiliar

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This isn't his bed.

Oh yes. He was in Zurich.

His eyes flew open as the remaining sleep ebbed away from his groggy mind.

Propping himself up on an elbow, his flustered scanning softened into a tender gaze, when he caught sight of a familiar sleeping visage less than two feet away from him on the double bed.


Yesterday wasn't a dream.

Jeong Hyeok closed his eyes, fell back onto his pillow and heaved an inaudible sigh of relief.

It wasn't as if he hadn't had such vivid dreams before, only to awake to crushing disappointment. From experience, that would inevitably rob him of laughter and joy for the rest of the day.

It was a Sunday. Day 2, of the 14 they have together.

He shifted into a side sleeping position, such that he had the best view of her face.

Still deep in slumber was Yoon Se-ri.

And still deep in admiration for her was Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Her face, with its porcelain skin, glowed in the liquid sunshine, which by now was filtering through the gaps of the hotel curtains to cast transitory spotlights on her. The rest of her body was covered by the sheets, making her look even more endearing and smaller than usual.

He propped himself up once again. This time, to shield her from the intrusive sun rays.

Gently, he brushed aside a lock of tousled mahogany hair which had tumbled over her delicate features, just as he had done back in the North Korean hospital.

She did not stir.

Well, she had practically downed an entire bottle of Sauvignon blanc by herself, he thought in amusement.

It was funny how alcohol has always played a part in their relationship's milestones.

One of the earlier times he got a clearer indication of her interest in him was the morning after she basically downed enough beer to make a 'ceasefire' line of her own out of empty cans in his home.

She proved herself to be one of those girls who could be buddies with her partner's male friends, when they had soju and clams together.

Then there was the time when they sat in her living room, drinking quietly and talking about the future which they ardently wished for.

That was an emotional one. Truth be told, he hadn't been as drunk as she had thought him to be. The alcohol helped, but it was his heart speaking.

Back then, in her living room, he had thought she was impossibly beautiful. There were many times when he had seen her with a full face of perfectly done make-up, dressed in the trendiest of outfits and carrying the most luxurious accessories.

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