Waiting and Praying

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The next three days slipped by in an awkward blur.

Surely there would be the usual laughter, conversations and inner jokes shared between the lovers, but a heavy, tense silence was always ready to emerge whenever words took a back seat.

Silence would subsequently thicken the uneasy tension in the atmosphere, until one of them made a quick escape or found a way to bring conversation back in.

Staying in their own place this time round also provided outlets for escape for Se-ri in the form of household chores.

In the last three days, Jeong Hyeok would go to work, a much-needed distraction for the both of them.

Unbeknownst to Se-ri, he had already gone for an audition and interview at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

He didn't think his playing during the audition was impeccable, but then again it never would be.

As a professional, he would always be able to find room for improvement in retrospect.

The interview part had progressed decently, to the extent of it seeming like a short chat between likeminded friends in Swiss German.

Truth be told, Jeong Hyeok had gone for the interview knowing full well that the interviewers have done their fair share of background research on him. The audition and interview were conducted more as formalities than an actual gauge of his caliber as a candidate.

By the end of the session, he was verbally offered a place in the Masters program, much to his joy. He would wait for a little while more, just so that he could surprise Se-ri with the official offer letter from the university.

Finally, after countless setbacks faced as a couple, they had something good to look forward to.

Professionally, it was a good opportunity to learn something new in depth. Personally, it meant so much more.

It meant spending a full year here in Switzerland, where he would surely be able to spend a lot more time with Se-ri.

Jeong Hyeok would subsequently realize that even under such circumstances, he had unknowingly expected Se-ri to drop everything in South Korea to be with him for that one year.

Then there was the bigger topic of defection.

Needless to say, both knew very well it was a topic that they had to address sooner or later.

It just that they had subconsciously opted for 'later' in this case.

Now that Saturday was here, Jeong Hyeok was unsure for how long more they could go without communicating on the issue.

As he trotted down the stairs to go to the kitchen, Jeong Hyeok noticed that Se-ri was already busy at work, packing what looked like a picnic basket.

The golden sun rays filtered through the glass windows, highlighting locks of her mahogany brown hair in warm chestnut.

Dressed in a body-hugging dusty pink floral dress, Se-ri was the perfect picture of spring.

His perfect picture of spring.

His perfect picture of spring

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