On the floor

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Author's Note: Son Ye Jin's dress at Baeksang reminded me of a Christian Dior J'adore ad, so shimmery, so sensual, so champagne gold. And of course, the anthem for this chapter is 'Versace on the floor', or should we all say, Ralph Lauren.
Romantic (or at least I tried to make it so) sex scenes ahead, young ones please run.


Se-ri pulled up into the driveway, before making a move to exit her car. Reaching for her jacket and cocktail purse, her manicured hand hesitated in mid-air.

The jacket and purse can wait till tomorrow.

Just so that she wouldn't have anything to regret later, she deftly unclasped both diamond earrings, shoving all US$59,800 of them into the purse before tossing it onto the passenger seat.

Grabbing her car keys, she exited and locked the vehicle.

She shuddered; the late December wind chill was bone-chilling.

Striding over to the dimly-lit house as quickly as she could manage in her high heels, Se-ri wasn't surprised to find the front door unlocked.

She could already hear the sensual piano jazz music coming from the Steinway grand piano. It was likely the Spirio function on playback though; Se-ri was quite convinced a certain pianist wasn't seated at the piano.

Pushing it open, the heiress entered the house, turned to latch the door, only to feel two masculine arms encircle her waist from behind.

Bvlgari's Man in Black hit her senses as she turned the latch.

There he was.

That unmistakable fragrance which he wore for the event.

Turning around in Jeong Hyeok's hold, Se-ri wasted no time in cradling his face with one hand to pull him in for a hungry kiss.

Another fumbling hand felt around for the cabinet top by the door, seeking the box where their car keys were always placed.

"What took you so long?" He whispered huskily against her full, rouged lips.

Ahh, there it is. She dropped her car keys into the box.

Tasting him with open-mouthed kisses, tongue licking those faintly chapped yet surprisingly soft lips, Se-ri replied, "Delayed by two red lights. I see you've had time to set the mood."

Dimmed lights, a toasty warm living room, sensual piano jazz, and a neatly folded Ralph Lauren suit jacket draped over the couch.

On the navy blue jacket was a bow tie in the same shade, leaving the man in front of her clad in his white dress shirt, top buttons undone.

In the dimmed warm lighting, Jeong Hyeok's usually fair skin was tinged a sensual shade of golden-olive.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?"

Closing in to lean his forehead on hers, Jeong Hyeok smiled faintly when Se-ri tiptoed in her high heels to meet him mid-way. The tips of their noses touching gently, the pianist nuzzled his beautiful heiress lovingly.

"Yes, you did." She whispered in response.

As Se-ri slowly closed her eyes, savoring the tranquility of the closeness, Jeong Hyeok gently ran his hands along her bare shoulders.

Trailing down the satiny length of her slender arms, pianist fingers teased her forearms with feathery touches, before he gently interlaced his left hand with her right.

His right hand pressed itself snugly to the small of her back, feeling her warmth through the champagne gold sequins of her slinky slip dress.

Warm breath mingled for a while more between them, before her tired feet gave up on the tiptoe position to plant themselves back onto the wooden floor.

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