Ri Jin-ah

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On a balmy late March spring afternoon at Yulje Medical Center, Ri Jin-ah came into the world.

On a balmy late March spring afternoon at Yulje Medical Center, Ri Jin-ah came into the world

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A healthy, 3.1kg baby girl.

Precious child, was her name.

Jeong Hyeok hadn't counted on falling in love so hard for a second time; it was emotional enough when Jeong Hwan had come into his life.

But now, gazing upon the delicate, reddish face of the pink bundle in his arms, tidal waves of emotions were threatening to drown the pianist.

But now, gazing upon the delicate, reddish face of the pink bundle in his arms, tidal waves of emotions were threatening to drown the pianist

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It was a face that resembled Jeong Hwan's so much, yet distinctly different.

It felt surreal.

This baby girl is his daughter - Jeong Hyeok had to take a minute to process the fact.

It was a tad unsettling, for he only knew how to be Daddy to a little boy, until this pink bundle of joy descended from the heavens above like a gift.

He had wondered to himself, when Se-ri discovered their pregnancy, if his love for Jeong Hwan would be halved upon the arrival of Jin-ah.

But no.

The love had doubled.

Ri Jin-ah.

He will be her first love

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He will be her first love. He will be the standard against which she judge all men, so that she will never settle for anything less.

He might set the benchmark too high, but that was for the lucky boy to worry about.

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