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The gaunt, expressionless face staring back at her from across the glass was nothing like she had remembered it to be.

Even back then when it had been filled with fury, scorn and disdain, it had been a freshly-groomed, youthful face.

Today, marring those shrewd features were untold stories of hardship, though she wasn't quite keen to listen even if she had a chance.

A part of her hoped there was remorse lurking somewhere in the grayed hair and soulful eyes - eyes that had lost their devious sparkle.

Yet another part of her knew better than to expect anything more, for they mutually had the best reasons to hate each other's guts.

Yoon Se-hyeong.

The man whom she couldn't really decided if she hated or loved

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The man whom she couldn't really decided if she hated or loved.

For in Yoon Se-ri's mind, for every bit of injustice he had done to her, there was a fond memory elsewhere in their younger days which negated it.

Yet for a woman who had always made it a point to remember and repay both kindness and grudges, it was hard to find it within herself to forgive her stepbrother who had wanted her dead.

"What are you here for?" His tone was guarded.

Wary, and somewhere deep within, weary.

For a moment, Se-ri was stumped for words.

Indeed, what were they here for? Se-joon and herself, coming to the prison for the first time in forever, to see the one person who had been in almost every childhood memory of theirs.

"Are you here to gloat?" Se-hyeong practically whispered, though the animosity remained deafening.

"Why, you-" An irate Se-joon started, only to stop when their younger sister held him by the forearm.

Keeping a steely gaze on her second older brother, Se-ri replied detachedly.

"Gloat? Whatever for?"

So painfully haggard was he; it made it hard for her to even feel resentment in that instant.

He looked so piteously defeated, and whatever fight left within reminded Se-ri and Se-joon of a wounded, cornered dog.

Prison life clearly hasn't been treating him well. Honestly, to Se-ri, Se-hyeong had already been too trodden upon to make any form of further trodding gratifying for her.

"Ja-" She started, before biting the inside of her lower lip to hold the word back.

Instinct kept pushing the title 'Jagun Oppa' to her lips every time her eyes met his.

It was hard to fight habit, and it was even harder to bear hatred.

"It's unlikely that we will ever see eye to eye in this lifetime." Se-ri said coldly, before her voice softened to what she hoped didn't come across as an emotional whisper.

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