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"Was he frightened by..?" Jeong Hyeok quietly asked, as his eyes carefully studied the photos in Se-ri's camera. "...all that?"

Shaking her head, well knowing that her husband was referring to the heavy security conditions at the DMZ, Se-ri lifted the bottle of soju of between them to refill his cup.

It was two in the wee hours of the morning, but neither the pianist nor his wife could sleep.

It was two in the wee hours of the morning, but neither the pianist nor his wife could sleep

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"You know how Jeong Hwan is. Slightly shaken, I believe, but I wouldn't go as far as to say he was frightened." The heiress replied.

To the boy, who had always been under the impression that his father had simply come from another foreign land, witnessing the animosity between the North and the South had come as a shock.

So that was how Jeong Hwan, upon meeting his Daddy and little sister at the mall for dinner after the DMZ peace tour, ran towards and gave the former the tightest hug.

For the rest of the evening, the little boy stuck to his father like a shadow. Not a further word was said about his experience for the day, with Jeong Hwan simply choosing to hold his father's hand as they subsequently walked around the mall.

"Our Jeong Hwan surely is a tough boy, but the way he had hugged me earlier...I just got the feeling that the DMZ tour had affected him more than he allowed for it to show." The former North Korean pianist added, flipping to the next photo of Jeong Hwan.

The earlier pictures which he had seen were mostly of Se-ri and Jeong Hwan visiting peace monuments and landmarks like the Peace Bell, and Dorasan Observatory.

It felt all touristy, fun even, if he may add.

With Phanmun Pavilion appearing in those photos, the mood instantly took on a more somber touch.

That was where he had once stood.

He could still vaguely remember the internal layout of the building.

"Jeong Hwan asked if Daddy missed being from the other side." Se-ri added, as Jeong Hyeok smiled a faintly forlorn smile at the photo of his son raising his hand in a peace sign with the Phanmun Pavilion in the background.

"What did you tell him?"

Truth be told, Jeong Hyeok dreaded the answer to an extent.

There was always the fear of Jeong Hwan judging him, or developing irrational biases against the North.

It would certainly hurt the pianist, more than he could ever verbally admit.

"I told him you missed the North very badly indeed. Guess what our sweet little boy said?" Se-ri asked, before taking a sip of her chilled soju.

Bitter yet sweet, cold yet warm.

"...was he surprised? That Daddy would miss such a...hostile place?"

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