No Regrets

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North Korea

Jeong Hyeok looked up at his surroundings from his sitting position on the floor - this place would always make him feel at ease.

After all, the military village had been home to him for years.

Now gathered at Pyo Chi Su's current residence, Jeong Hyeok had with him, something that made him both happy and terrified at the same time.

A letter from Yoon Se-ri, addressed to the boys.

In his bag, was another one from her, addressed to his parents.

He would worry later.

Casually, Jeong Hyeok reached out for the flask placed in the middle of the table and refilled his teacup.

It was oddly quiet, with only the sounds of tea flowing and subsequently, trickling, into the cup being heard.

When he was done pouring, the ex-military captain replaced the flask, only to realize there were four pairs of eyes staring at him.

"What?" Jeong Hyeok broke the silence, with a slight furrow between his brows.

Pyo Chi Su cleared his throat.

"Comrade Ri. Why are you back?"

Joo Meok shot a withering look at the current captain. "Captain Pyo, you don't have to put it this way..."

Jeong Hyeok ignored the comments.

"She has a letter for you all."

"Oh that's wonderful! I miss Comrade Se-ri already."

Trust Eun Dong to exude positive vibes always.

Gwang Beom nodded encouragingly, leaning in to see the letter's contents.

"Dear all,

How have you been? If Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi is there, can you please ask him to leave?"

"Comrade Se-ri asked for you to excuse yourself, Captain Ri."

Joo Meok walked over to push the sliding door to the side.

Jeong Hyeok looked at the boys in confusion, before nodding in agreement and standing up to leave the living room.

Going out to the backyard, the pianist sat on the outdoor dining area.

Looking around, he couldn't help the wistful smile that grew on his lips.

Everything still reminded him so strongly of Se-ri.

They had grilled cured beef here with the boys.

The outdoor stove with the cast-iron wok which he had used to roast coffee beans for her.

The kimchi cave which she had hid in during the accommodation censorship check.

That little corner where she had chosen for their tomato plant.

Jeong Hyeok could still hear her laughter ringing from around the backyard.

He missed her.

It had only been a month.

He constantly felt as if a piece of him was missing; he couldn't sit still, he couldn't stop thinking of her and he couldn't wait for the day she was back in his arms.

Meanwhile, in the living room, the boys were still looking at Se-ri's letter.

"...I have seen all your messages to me.

Thank you for loving the both of us so much.

It is actually hard for me to talk about this, especially when reality bites harder as I am penning these words down.

I think all of you should know this. While in Switzerland, we have had this conversation.

To be honest, it is also very difficult for Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi to broach the topic, not to mention to actually do something about it.

It might not seem like it, but he is under a lot of pressure.

There are a lot of factors to consider, and it is also precisely because I know he is a good man, that he would naturally have all these on his mind.

You guys will probably scorn and say I am being crazy, but I told him that I did not want him to defect.

I know I don't have the right to ask for anything, but please do me a favor and support him emotionally.

Be his friend, be his confidante and give him some space.

Thank you."

Joo Meok put the letter down with an audible sigh.

"When will they get their happily ever after...?"

"...ummm why is she acting all noble and saintly again?"

That was obviously Pyo Chi Su.

"No matter what, you didn't have to say things like 'why are you back' and make it more awkward for Captain Ri..." Joo Meok chided. "They are probably really conflicted over this."

Eun Dong nodded dejectedly. "Comrade Se-ri must be putting Captain Ri's happiness over her own. We should be respecting his choice, as much as we hope for their happiness."

Gwang Beom added, "I think we were probably too presumptuous when we wrote farewell messages to them."

Pyo Chi Su snorted in annoyance, flashing the other three a look of disdain.

"If I behave like all of you and make it too welcoming for him," The current Fifth Company captain was almost angry in his own defence, before his voice softened.

"...the nasty wench is going to be alone forever."



"Yes?" Se-ri asked, busily checking a revised prototype of a new face serum's packaging design. "Oh wait, wait. Before you start on what you have to say, do you think a squarish cap would work better?"

"It's easier to open, I feel."

"Okay." The CEO replied, fiddling with the cap repeatedly. "You were saying?"

"I watched it." Hong Chang-sik said excitedly

"Watch what?"

"Ri Jeong Hyeok's latest performance. Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5."

That caught her full attention.

Placing the serum bottle down, Se-ri practically transformed from girl boss to fangirl in two seconds.

"He was amazing, wasn't he?" She gushed, though her eyes betrayed a hint of wistfulness.

The team manager nodded with a teasing smile. "I can now see why you would fly to Switzerland every year."

"He's worth it." Se-ri added, breaking the eye contact to return her attention to the design prototype. "Even if the going gets tough, he is worth it."

"Daepyonim..." By now, after all these years of slogging together, Yoon Se-ri was not just his boss, or the woman of his nightmares.

She was also a friend, and somewhat like a bossy little sister.

"...what if things don't work out? I mean, you've invested so much time into it."

The smile on her face froze, before it softened into a pensive expression.

"Then I should be all the more proud of the fact that I tried, shouldn't I? I gave this relationship my all, I loved as hard as I would, I enjoyed every moment of it and I stayed positive for as long as I could." Se-ri replied. "I have no regrets."

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