Tropical Paradise

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Pamalican Island, Philippines

"This is the life. Just look at the sun!" Se-ri sighed in pleasure on the sun lounger, taking a sip of her mocktail.

The perfect combination of sunshine and sea, stunning in radiant gold and shimmering blue, was the perfect balm for the heiress' soul. Endless stretches of white sand formed perfect contrast to the inviting blue.

Everything was perfect; they even had a personal butler to tend to their needs during their stay here at Amanpulo resort

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Everything was perfect; they even had a personal butler to tend to their needs during their stay here at Amanpulo resort.

"This is the real life. Just look at the son." Jeong Hyeok tilted his chin in the direction of the picnic mat laid out in front of them, unable to keep the amused exasperation off his face.

Their 9 month-old, who had been playing with his favorite toys which his parents had brought along on the trip, was currently pulling out what looked suspiciously like tiny bits of watermelon from his mouth.

"Oh, Jeong Hwan! What's wrong, baby?" Se-ri left the comfort of her sun lounger to squat down by her baby's side, before wiping bits of fruit off with a small face towel. "Was that too tough for you to chew?"

Dressed in a one-piece swimsuit, Se-ri was as mesmerizing as ever. Her figure was fuller after childbirth, but it only served to make her shapelier and more beautiful to him.

 Her figure was fuller after childbirth, but it only served to make her shapelier and more beautiful to him

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"Yeobo, pass me the baby facial wipes!"

"Right away."

As the couple cleaned their son up, the heiress couldn't help a giggle, to which her husband gave a questioning look.

"What is it?"

"We came all the way to this gorgeous Pamalican Island here in the Philippines via private jet from Manila after a four-hour flight from Seoul, baby in tow, got escorted here and there by hired security. Landed, thankfully not crashed, here in this very exclusive piece of paradise on earth...and here we are, digging for tiny regurgitated bits of mashed watermelon from a swim diaper."

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear before she leaned forward to check Jeong Hwan's swim diapers again, Se-ri laughed, "I just thought it was funny that we are basically doing the same daily stuff, though in a much nicer setting."

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