The right direction

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Late May
Bern, Switzerland

"So this must be one of the fountains! This is our..." Se-ri exclaimed, looking down at her walking tour map of the Old Town of Bern.

" Se-ri exclaimed, looking down at her walking tour map of the Old Town of Bern

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"Fourth." Jeong Hyeok replied with a small smile, watching on as the heiress ticked off yet another Renaissance fountain on the list.

They were on a babymoon in Bern, making the best of the time when they were still together. Jeong Hyeok had made arrangements to his school schedule such that they would have five days to spend as a tourist in Bern and Lausanne.

Se-ri had initially been surprised when Jeong Hyeok suggested the five-day trip to Bern, for she had thought him to be really busy at school. He must have really wanted to spend quality time together before July comes along, the heiress had thought.

It would always be a shame that they were not allowed to go out of Switzerland, for Jeong Hyeok's passport remained detained by the North Korean embassy here.

Nonetheless, Se-ri was grateful.

Every minute spent with Jeong Hyeok was a blessing that she would never take for granted.

After all these goodbyes and reunions over the years, Se-ri had somewhat grown to accept it as part of her life.

"There are eleven of them in total in this city center, right?"

Jeong Hyeok was quick in kicking into Papa Bear mode. "Yes, but we are definitely not going to see them all. We will stop at the fifth. You need your rest."

"Alright, alright." A begrudging smile swept across Se-ri's face, knowing fully well that her fiancé had her best interests at heart.

Se-ri was actually one of the lucky ones to whom pregnancy was kind. Except for lethargy, her morning sickness was largely mild, her appetite was mostly good and she did not have specific food aversions.

They would already have seen other tourist attractions such as Bern Catherdral and the Zytglogge, a 12th-century tower housing an astronomical clock that had been installed in 1530, among others.

They would already have seen other tourist attractions such as Bern Catherdral and the Zytglogge, a 12th-century tower housing an astronomical clock that had been installed in 1530, among others

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