Win some, Lose some

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Seoul, South Korea

Even though he wasn't back by her side, being in South Korea with a mobile phone meant that Ri Jeong Hyeok was constantly contactable.

In the third week of September, Jeong Hyeok would graduate from Hanawon.

Not only would he graduate, he would graduate with a South Korean passport.

Honestly, she could not wait. It was hard enough knowing that he was so near, yet so far.

"I have good news to share."

"What would that be?" Se-ri asked from the comfort of her air-conditioned room. She was feeling perpetually hot from the pregnancy, and nope, not in the sexy way.

Now moving into the first week of her third trimester, Baby Jeong Hwan was growing rapidly by the day, making it increasingly difficult for Se-ri to move in certain positions.

Now moving into the first week of her third trimester, Baby Jeong Hwan was growing rapidly by the day, making it increasingly difficult for Se-ri to move in certain positions

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For one, she could no longer sleep flat on her back without feeling like she was being suffocated.

She was losing sight of her feet as her belly grew bigger.

She could still walk with no major issues, but rising from a sitting position was getting agonizing.

On some days, depending on the baby's position, there was this persistent, nagging pain in her pelvic area which left her hobbling at times.

And cramps.

Se-ri didn't mean to grouse inwardly, for Jeong Hyeok wasn't having it any easier being apart from her in a land foreign to him, but cramps.

She absolutely detested the leg cramps which would assault her in the middle of the night, leaving her a whimpering, perspiring mess as she waited for the pain to subside.

Most people would tell her she was glowing from the pregnancy, but it was mainly a lot of tinted moisturizer and her constant effort in applying some lipstick.

Back at Seri's Choice, she had already announced her pregnancy when she returned to Seoul from Switzerland.

There was no meaning in hiding, and there was no way she would hide Jeong Hwan like he was a dirty little secret. Se-ri might not have met him yet, but already, she was growing so attached to the baby.

Those little punches and kicks were something she looked forward to feeling everyday.

Following her announcement, media had been quick to catch on, but there was nothing Mr Hong's expertise at handling all sorts of Daepyonim-related scandals could not handle.

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