Picking up the pieces

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"Are you both flying together?" The lady at the counter asked in English as she looped the luggage identification tags around the handle of Se-ri's suitcase with practiced ease.

The same question once again rendered the heiress silent.


Shaking her head, the heiress replied, "No, I'm flying alone."

As her belongings gradually moved along the conveyor belt to go to the aircraft that would take her to South Korea, Se-ri once again found herself wishing that she and Jeong Hyeok could one day take a flight together.

It was such a simple thing - two passports, two boarding passes. But it was virtually impossible for them.

This was not the time to be all weepy, though. Her parents were already waiting for her at the other end of the check-in area.

Weaving through groups of people to where they were, Se-ri and Jeong Hyeok greeted the older couple.

"Jeong Hyeok, this isn't much, but we are hoping for your parents to have this." Han Jeong-yeon extended a paper bag in the direction of the younger man.

"Eomeonim, Abeonim, I shouldn't be accepting-"

"No, it's just a small token of good wishes from us. It's red ginseng powder and slices. I mean..." Se-ri's mother continued.

"We wouldn't get to see them in person easily, so at the very least, please let us send our wishes along."

He hesitated for a second, before bowing politely to accept the gift.

"Thank you very much."

When he looked up, Jeong Hyeok was surprised to see that Se-ri's mother had opened her arms.

Se-ri smiled encouragingly. "Go for it."

Meeting the older woman in a hug, Jeong Hyeok felt the first stirrings of tears, especially when a distinctly male hand can be felt patting his shoulder.

Acceptance, was a very powerful feeling indeed.

"Take good care of yourself. We will surely make time to see you again here in Switzerland after September." That was Se-ri's father.

After Jeong Hyeok was finally released from the hug and another round of goodbyes were said, the younger couple was left to themselves.

"We'll wait for you inside." Se-ri's mother gently said.

Around them, people were walking in all directions. As it had been in the previous year, there were all sorts of facial expressions seen.

Some were joyous, some were sad, others were indifferent.

By now, the two of them should be veterans at goodbyes.

Yet Jeong Hyeok still found himself somehow feeling annoyed at the joyous faces, comforted by the sad, and envious of the indifferent.

"Yoon Se-ri."


He took her hands in his, drawing a deep, shuddering breath.

"It isn't exactly easier for me than it was last year."

"It isn't." She echoed softly, her thumbs rubbing the back of his hands gently.

"I thought I was the only one feeling that way." Jeong Hyeok added.

"You're definitely not the only one."

He smiled wistfully. "We overestimated ourselves yet again."

Se-ri shook her head with a woeful laugh. "I think we were too naive, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi. The shorter wait might be easier, but turns out the parting is still as bad."

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