I'm Alright

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"The relevant department representatives will be talking to you in awhile. Please give us a moment."

The door to the holding room clicked shut.

Everyone at the embassy was probably overwhelmed; how often did they get a North Korean pianist, with a pregnant South Korean fiancé in tow, knocking on their doors announcing his decision to defect?

From her sitting position on the couch, Se-ri released a long shuddering breath, before turning to regard Jeong Hyeok quietly.

A million questions seemed to be swimming, in the expanse of watery emotion in her eyes.

She had been working very hard on maintaining a steely facade up till then. Any form of hysterical or shocked responses from her would surely send up red flags to the South Korean authorities.

The least she could do, was to not make things more troublesome for Jeong Hyeok.

He didn't say a word, but instead, settled for giving her a very faint smile.

That typical 'I-will-be-okay' smile that she had seen way too often for her own liking

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That typical 'I-will-be-okay' smile that she had seen way too often for her own liking.

"...just like that...? Why?" In the sea of emotions, she managed to find her voice.

Wet, trembling, almost breaking.

"It wasn't a hasty decision, Yoon Se-ri. The only spontaneous thing about this was the execution of the plan."

"Since when..?"

"Since I called you from the shared border with China. Or even before, I don't know. It was always at the back of my mind. I was testing out the network and connection...with a phone that I have bought for my parents." He replied matter-of-factly.

That would have been...almost a year ago.

All along, she had assumed it just to be a call made out of his longing for her.

Yet it wasn't as simple as that.

He had been testing out the China phone from the black market, so that he could potentially stay in contact with his parents.

Se-ri closed her eyes in subdued agitation, feeling the hot tears threaten to spill over.

Now, her thoughts were slowly falling into place, as things became clearer and clearer.

"This Bern-Lausanne babymoon trip is just an excuse to come here...right?"

Jeong Hyeok nodded.

How could she not have noticed anything while he was planning it all?

But then again, this was Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Meticulous, cautious Ri Jeong Hyeok.

If he had wanted to do it this way, there was no way Se-ri would have suspected anything.

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