Catch up

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Standing at the departure hall at Hosea Kutako International Airport, with Jin-ah snugly strapped to herself in the toddler carrier, Se-ri quietly watched as Jeong Hyeok exchanged a fierce hug with his father.

Standing at the departure hall at Hosea Kutako International Airport, with Jin-ah snugly strapped to herself in the toddler carrier, Se-ri quietly watched as Jeong Hyeok exchanged a fierce hug with his father

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Her mother-in-law was still hugging Jeong Hwan, kissing his little face again and again.

The little boy, who was growing increasingly disinterested in being held and kissed like a toddler, was surprisingly tolerant and understanding, Se-ri noticed.

It was as if he understood the upcoming separation.

Having made the conscious choice to spend the rest of her life with someone from the North, Se-ri had come to accept that the pain of separation would always accompany the love.

For as long as there was love, the pain of separation would exist.

Her only regret was that Jeong Hwan and Jin-ah had been dragged into this emotional journey, by no choice of theirs.

"We will be in touch." Jeong Hyeok quietly said, his lips pressed in a tight line that resembled a smile.

This time round, with phone numbers and all written down, it was unlikely for them to lose each other again.

Ri Jeong Ryeol nodded, raising his hand in a slight wave.

"Have a safe flight."

Kim Yoon Hee, on the other hand, was clearly having a harder time letting go of her family.

Clutching Jeong Hwan's hand in hers, while stroking Jin-ah's cheek with another, the elderly woman kept tearing up.

Smiling embarrassedly when Se-ri handed her a piece of tissue paper, Yoon Hee dabbed at her eyes, repeatedly reminding them all to take good care of themselves.

"I'll bring them over to see you as soon as we can." The heiress promised.

"Please do, Seri-ah."

It was so unfair, that separation and departure would always be in the picture for this family.

Flashing a brave smile at her parents-in-law, despite the pain that was gnawing at her, Se-ri added.

"You've said it yourself. I am the southern swallow who returned to return Jeong Hyeok's kindness, and you can be sure I'll always find a way to fly back to you."

Final hugs were exchanged, with Jeong Hwan being exceptionally unwilling to leave the grandparents whom he had grown so attached to.

They might never get used to this, but things will always get better.

With that, the family of four slowly made their way to the departure hall, comforted by the promise of returning in the near future.


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