Appa (Father's Day Special)

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Lungern - Lucerne

At around 12 weeks along, today was the day for Se-ri and Jeong Hyeok.

The day they would receive the results of their Panorama test, a non-invasive prenatal screening that analyses cell-free DNA circulating in the pregnant mother's blood. Blood samples had been taken from Se-ri earlier for testing.

Not only were they able to check for any potential chromosomal conditions in the fetus, they would also find out if they were team pink or blue.

It would also be Jeong Hyeok's first time accompanying Se-ri to the gynecologist's.

"Where are you going?"

"To the kitchen, for a glass of water."

"I'll go. You sit down."

"It's just ten steps?"

"Sit down."

Ever since Jeong Hyeok had found out about their pregnancy, he had been overly overprotective, if such a term could even be used.

Se-ri had assumed that the overprotective tendencies he had displayed after she woke up from her surgery five years ago in Seoul were bad.

Apparently, she had sorely underestimated Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Firstly, she was banned from driving since she was still suffering from the occasional bout of vertigo and fatigue.

Secondly, she was relieved of most household chores.

Not complaining, but still.

Jeong Hyeok had initially set about listing down what Se-ri should not do, only to eventually settle for writing down what the heiress could do, since that list was way shorter.

Thirdly, no visits to malls or tourist attractions or whatsoever, in Jeong Hyeok's absence.

"Those places are too crowded and you never know if anyone might bump into you." - were his exact words.

"But I've been going to the mall all these years and no one has ever bumped into me!" She had retorted pleadingly.

"Yoon Se-ri. Please take this very seriously."

That was synonymous with 'case closed'.

Then there was the whole thing about prenatal music therapy.

No matter what Se-ri said about the baby responding to sounds only from the gestational age of 29 weeks, Jeong Hyeok had been making her sit in his personal music studio for half an hour every evening.

"Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi. Can I go watch Netflix instead? Please?"

"No. This is for our baby. What do you think Baby would like for me to play tonight?"

"I have no idea?"

"Hmm. Tchaikovsky then. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy."

It was really cute seeing Jeong Hyeok all obsessed and protective, no matter how much she pretended to grouse about it.

With July's impending separation looming over everything in their lives, Se-ri was mostly trying to hold on to bits and pieces of happiness.

Now, as they drove towards the outskirts of Lucerne, the heiress casually turned to the pianist and asked.

"Of course, we both know what ultimately matters is that the baby is healthy, but will you prefer a boy or a girl, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi?"

A small pout could be seen growing on his face. "I still like the idea of twins."

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