An abyss of ecstasy

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Se-ri was in a euphoric haze, riding out the softest, sweetest orgasm she had experienced since parting from Jeong Hyeok.

There was the faint pitter-patter of water from the shower head, before it faded into a lulling calm.

Vaguely aware of her surroundings, Se-ri felt her legs and lower body gradually immersed in welcoming, floral scented warmth.

Foam bubbles ticklishly kissed the underside of her heaving bosom, and it dawned upon her that she was currently sitting in the bathtub, with her head resting snugly on the edge.

A solid presence joined her in the next second, bringing the thick layer of foam on the water up to her collarbone.

"Are you feeling alright?" That sensual baritone voice sliced through the hazy cloud in her addled mind.

Eyes still closed in drowsy post-orgasmic bliss, Se-ri giggled endearingly with a series of nods. "Mmmm...very has been awhile, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi."

He smiled in a mix of fondness and male pride, before bringing her close to him such that they were both sitting side by side in the spacious bathtub, legs stretched out fully in front of them.

Leaning her head in the crook of Jeong Hyeok's neck, Se-ri breathed in his familiar masculine scent, now delightfully mixed with the floral scent of body wash.

Bit by bit, fragments of her mind gradually came back together to regain awareness as her lover, ever chivalrous, allowed her some rest.

Some red wine and tea lights would have made this experience even prettier, she mused.

The hot, foamy bath water hid much of him from her sight, but she knew very well that he had not taken his pleasure from her in any way.

"I've missed you so much." She whispered into a wet open-mouthed kiss on the underside of Jeong Hyeok's jaw.

He nodded, closing his eyes at her unspoken invitation to receive her kiss with a slight downward arch of his neck.

Kissing Jeong Hyeok messily, running her tongue over his lips and chin like a kitten, Se-ri drew herself up on her knees by his side, wrapping her hand around his erection once again.

Jeong Hyeok softly sighed as Se-ri's fingers started a familiar rhythm, throwing his head back with a muffled groan when she ran her hand up along his length to lavish attention upon the head of his cock.

She loved to watch him as he groaned, gasped and writhed under her touch; it made her feel powerful and desired. Jeong Hyeok was such a fine specimen of a man, and he belonged to her.

For awhile, Se-ri took it slow, reveling in Jeong Hyeok's soft sighs of pleasure and his occasional groan. Then she would alternate between increasing her pace, and slowly teasing him.

Caressing, massaging, stroking, Se-ri was persistent even when Jeong Hyeok's breathing got increasingly choppy.

Suddenly, a strong hand wrapped itself around her wrist, stopping her in her actions.

Widened eyes met his.

"I don't want to dirty the water..." He breathed heavily, cheeks stained with a slight tinge of pinkish embarrassment.


Wetting her lips while pinning his glazed eyes with hers, Se-ri whispered seductively.

"I have the perfect solution."

Rolling one hand over his erect cock repeatedly, the heiress lifted herself further up on her knees to straddle him, giving her highly-aroused lover a teasing view of her breasts, semi-hidden behind a veil of white froth.

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