Of beginnings and opportunities

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Lungern, Switzerland

Christmas was around the corner, and Yoon Se-ri once again found herself in the land where a part of her scarred heart resided.

Festive celebrations and preparations were in full swing no matter where she visited, and Se-ri was finding it very enjoyable indeed.

There was something very magical about Christmas that she had grown to love ever since spending the first one with Jeong Hyeok three years ago.

Sadly, as they were allowed to meet only in March every year, Christmas and birthday celebrations together were not possible.

For now, the administrative work for her huge impulse purchase was finally settled. All she could do was to ensure that their house situated in the Swiss village Kaiserstuhl-Bürglen in Lungern was well-prepared for their upcoming reunion.

Even if they were to share it for a mere two weeks on a yearly basis, it was still very, very important to Se-ri. After all, it was their own slice of paradise.

Quaintly stylish, their three-storey house's interior was done up in modern European cottage style, complete with white walls and patches of contrast in warm and dark woods.

Fresh flowers, unpolished metals, weathered finishes and natural linens added rustic and neutral touches which Se-ri was certain Jeong Hyeok would love.

One by one, Se-ri placed photo frames, holding pictures of themselves, along the window sill where one could get a magnificent view of Lake Lungern.

Among the pictures were some of themselves taken on their earlier trip together in Zurich and Interlaken, and also, the first ever photo Jeong Hyeok had taken of Se-ri.

That was the photo of her standing on Sigriswil Panorama Bridge, moments before what would have been certain death if Jeong Hyeok had not intervened.

It might seem like a morbid choice for a display photo in a home, but to Se-ri, that shot was a beginning.

It was their beginning.

Furthermore, she had learnt from Jeong Hyeok that it was one of the two photos he had of her for the last three years. The other would have been the passport photo taken in Pyongyang.

"These two photos were all I had."

"Both are terrible, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi. You know how I feel about the passport photo. This is even worse, I was literally dying when you took it." She lamented.

"I know." He gently replied, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear as they sat on the bed in the hotel suite. "You weren't exactly soft when you spoke into that voice recorder."

Giving Jeong Hyeok a mock reproachful smack on the arm, Se-ri muttered, "And yet you asked me to take a picture. In English no less."

He chuckled dryly. "I didn't have much time to react then. All I had thought was, how should I stop this beautiful lady from jumping down, without making it dramatic and embarrassing for her."

Se-ri's wide-eyed gaze had softened by then, as she took in his words.

Even when they didn't really know each other, he had been such a gentleman.

Indicating with millimeters between his thumb and index finger, Jeong Hyeok continued, "I was this close to speaking in Korean. By then I could tell you are South Korean. But I quickly thought, what if you're one of those who had an illogical fear of all North Koreans? What if the shock of being spoken to in Pyongyang accent made you jump off faster?"

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