Chapter 1

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Present Day

"That's great man, I think we got it" I said as I set down my guitar after playing through the rough version of the acoustic song for the new album. 

"You alright Posty?" Lou asked looking over at me. 

"Yeah, I'm good man" I laughed grabbing a Bud Light cracking it open. 

"If you say so, that was just filled with some intense emotions" he said sitting back on the couch in my living room. 

"Just memories, that's all Lou" I laughed shaking my head as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

I pulled it out and let out a sigh seeing a text from Anastasia. She was 24 and pretty much down for anything. She lived just down the road so it was perfect. Don't get me wrong she was a nice enough girl, she was pretty as hell with medium length blonde hair that used to be brown, an olive complexion and piercing green eyes. I can't lie, she was definitely a back burner girl, she knew that but I couldn't help but feel like she was hoping for something more. I wasn't looking for that and I felt bad knowing that I was toying with her heart, but she kept me happy when I needed it so I kept her around. Not to mention my friends loved that I had her because she always brought the same friends with her that were always down to get laid. 

Anastasia: Hey babe, do you need some company?

I laughed at myself knowing what her company meant as I quickly typed out my response. 

Lou is here right now but he's just getting ready to leave. 

How about I'll see you in a half hour? 

Anastasia:  Got it babe 

I pocketed my phone and stood up grabbing my cigarette from behind my ear and sparking it lit. I took a quick drag holding in the smoke before blowing out the remainder. 

"Ana?" Lou asked as he was gathering his stuff getting ready to leave. 

I nodded my head. 

"Are you into her man?" he asked stopping what he was doing and turning his full attention to me. 

"I mean, she's a nice girl but I don't think I can see myself dating her" I said rubbing the back of my neck. 

"So she's your I need to get laid girl" Lou laughed shaking his head. 

My eyes met his momentarily before I pulled them away walking into the kitchen. 

"Not judging bro, she's fucking hot. I'd be more than pleased getting laid by her" he said laughing following me. 

"Thanks man" I said laughing. 

"Alright man, I'll be back sometime next week and we'll work on knocking another one out" he said putting his hand on my back before walking out the door. 

I turned around and walked back towards my music room picking up my guitar and strumming out my new song. I wrote it thinking about her and what she brought into my life. The day that I saw her at the Porcupine Pub and Grille, I knew I had to be with her. Then I saw the asshole she was with and it turned into more than just wanting to be with her, I needed to be with her, I needed to save her. I got caught up in what I was thinking I didn't even hear Brian as he walked in behind me. 

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