I like you,Like me bck

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Me and Mads just finished filming season three episode 15 the sex scene and now we were in my trailer getting ready to film a video for her YouTube channel

Madelaine looked so beautiful even if she just had on leggings and red crop too the simplest things made her beautiful and her soft pink lips I just wanted to kiss them every chance I got also on and off camera but she probably didn't feel the same

"NESSA OHHHH VANESSA" I heard brining me out of my thoughts

"Huh oh yea what were we talking about" I asked look confused

"I was asking are you ready to film this video for my YouTube channel"

"Oh yea I'm ready"

"Okay.......Hey guys it's Madelaine and today I'm here with Vanessa Morgan and we are answering your all Choni questions

"So first question what do you want to see your character do on the show"

"I would like to see them have like hard core sex were I Top cause everyone knows I too "

"Okay one not true I top and Wowwwww Mads are u serious you can't keep them in the video" I said busting out laughing

"Yea I'm definitely cutting that out" and by now we were a laughing mess
Now cami and lili were also in the trailer and Mads was editing the video and I was just admiring how pretty she looked while be focused

"Your drooling Morgan" Vanessa smirked

"Oh shut up cami" I said playfully hitting her shoulder

"Just tell her her how you feel y'all already act like a couple trust me she likes you back"

How do we act like a couple were bestfriends we are just super close with each other" I said rolling my eyes

"Well one y'all already live together-that's only when we live in Vancouver" I said cutting her off

"What are you two talking about"Lili and Mads asked at the same-time"

"Oh Um nothing" we quickly said

"Well me and Lili are going to head to get something to eat since we are done filming for the day what y'all want"

"Whatever y'all get"

Madelaine POV

I had been noticing how nessa stares at me could she possibly like me back or she maybe she was staring out of space maybe I should ask Lili what she thinks

"Hey Lili"

"Mhm"she said looking up from her phone

"Do you maybe think Nessa might like me back I've seen how she just randomly stare at me with heart eyes but-HELL YEA SHE LIKES YOU SHES LIKE INLOVE WITH YOU"Lili said cutting me off

"Well duhh she love me we are bestfriends so of course we love each other"

"Yea but no she is INLOVE with you Mads I've seen the way she looks at you"

"I mean maybeee should I ask her how she feels about me or should I just tell her how I feel"

"There's no time like the present"


"Okay okay I'll do it damn just don't say my full name like dat ever again"
Nessa trailer
Once everybody finished eating there food we were just sitting and talking with Cole,Cami,Lili and Kj they had about 20 minutes before Kj and cami had to go film me and the rest of the crew were done for the day

"All right we heading out see you guys later"Cole said taking Lili hands and lil just smirked at me

"Yea we finna go to we gotta finish filming talk to u guys later" Kj said walking out the door and cami just smirked at nessa I wonder what that's about I figured now would be the right time to tell Nessa how I felt

I was getting nervous about telling nessa how I felt about her but like Lili "There's mo no time like present" so I'm just going to come out with it

"Hey Nessa I have something to tell you"

"Ummm what is it" she asked me looking up from her phone I could how worried she was



"I really like you and you don't have to like me back I know the feeling is probably-I was cut off when a pair of soft lips touched mine and of course I kissed back

"I like you too I'm INLOVE with you"

"Awwww and I'm in love with you too" I said giving Vanessa a soft small

"Sooooo will you be my girlfriend"

"YESSSSS 100 times YESS" I said jumping in her arms

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