she's got it under control - 2012! mikey x fem! badass! reader

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She's got it under control - 2012! Mikey x Fem! Badass! Reader

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She's got it under control - 2012! Mikey x Fem! Badass! Reader


Request- milknc00kies

Request is- "Badass reader catches the attention of Mikey who gets super blushy and nervous around her."


Mikey sits in the shadows and watches in amazement as the girl before him does tricks on her skateboard. The turtle hasn't ever seen another person who was able to do such tricks besides him and his brothers. 'She must be really athletic..' He watches dreamily.

He thinks for a moment, wondering if he should go over to the girl. 'Donnie and the others would say no, but they're not here now so..'

Mikey gulps before jumping down from the high tops, landing near the girl. You turn around at the noise and stare in amazement at the turtle holding a skateboard.

"Hey dudette! My names Mikey! Y-You looked super cool just now.." Mikey's cheeks have a light shade of pink coating over them.

You stare for a second before smiling. "Thank you. I'm (Y/N), uhh, wanna skate together?"

Mikey nods, hopping onto his board and joining you. The two of you hang out and talk together, getting to know each other. Hours go by and Mikey tells you he has to go help his brothers with something. You nod your head in understanding and tell him you'll meet him here again another time.

You watch him jump from rooftop to rooftop, a smile makes its way on your face. "I don't usually see talking turtles around here..but it is New York, I guess."

Walk down the street, you check your phone for the time. 'It's already 12 AM..I should be careful incase any crazies come popping out..'

You shove your phone in your pocket and carefully walk down the street. You make a turn to your left, and a white van pulls up a little bit in front of you. 'Crap..please don't be a psycho..🧍‍♀️'

Two men come walking out, stopping you from walking. "Halt." One of them says. You notice they wore the same type of suit and looked very similar. "Uh..hey, could I just walk past-"

'Guns. They just HAD to pull out guns.'

Two more men come out from the backseat and are also holding guns. You turn your head to the side and look into the alleyway next to you. Your palms sweat as you quickly reach over and crap the nearest makeshift weapon you could find.


"Mikey! There you are. Come on, we've gotta go on patrol to make sure nothings wrong." Leo scolds his younger brother. "Okay, Donnie and Mikey you two go together and patrol that side while me and Raph take the other side." Leo orders, jumping off with Raph.

"Yay D! Looks like it's just us together!" Mikey hugs Don, resulting in the nerdy turtle to let out a sigh of annoyance. "Yeah, yeah, let's just go."

The two of them patrol the area, everything looking fine besides the cat they had to get out of a tree but that was it. "We should go over this part one more time before meeting back with the other two." Donnie suggests. Mikey nods and the two of them jump rooftop to rooftop, looking down below.

"Mikey wait! Look!" Donnie points down at you and the Norman bots. Mikeys eyes widen when he sees you, "That's (Y/N)!"

"You know her?! How?!" Donnie looks at him in shock.

"Uh.. I maybe talked to her earlier and we hung out..maybe..?" Mikey chuckled nervously.

"MIKEY! 🤬"


Donnie sighs, "Okay, we'll talk about that later. More importantly, we should help (Y/N)- Or maybe not?"

The two stare down at you, using some random pipe to attack the bots. Dodging bullets, you whack one in the side of the head and send him flying. Another one comes running over and you stab it's head, throwing him to the side. "Are these even human?!" You growl in frustration and take a gun from one of the bots you just smashed. You shoot the third one and dodge bullets from the last one.

"Woah.." Mikey watches the way you fight in amazement. "She's such a badass! Awesome!"

You eventually shoot the last one and drop the gun, you catch your breath as you look at the mess you created. "I should stop going out so late at night.."

"(Y/N) that was totally awesome!!" You snap your head around to see Mikey running over. "Oh, thank you. I don't usually do that so..."

You notice another turtle wearing a purple bandana next to him. "A-Ah hello, my name is Donatello or just Donnie. I'm Mikey's brother."

You introduce yourself and continue to chat with the brothers. Soon after two more turtles drop in and you introduce yourself again.

"You're really strong (Y/N)!" Mikey blushes as he praises you. "Next time I need help fighting evil I'll have to call for you!"

You nod your head, "Uh, sure..?"

Mikey offers to walk you home, while his brothers go off back to their 'lair'. The whole time home, Mikey has the brightest blush and stars in his eyes as you tell him some cool stories. "You're so cool, (Y/N)! You should definitely come by the lair sometime and we can also hang more! Give me your number!"

While exchanging numbers, you unlock your door and send a wink to turtle, "I'll see ya later, Mikey."

Closing the door, Mikey's face explodes and he runs off. 'So cool!!'


hope you enjoyed this bestie 😳💗

anyways if y'all wanna request anytime just comment or message me lolol

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