my friend, raph - rise! raph x child! fem! reader

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My friend, Raph - Rise! Raph x Child! Fem! Reader

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My friend, Raph - Rise! Raph x Child! Fem! Reader


Request- ELAINA_23_23_45_45

Request is- "Rise! Raph and his friend, 5 year old (Y/N)."


The two of you met one day when you had accidentally lost your mom during the cold, dark night of New York City.

As you silently cried in the alley way, you heard a quiet voice call out to you behind the trash can, deep in the shadows.

Panicked, you got up to run away but the guy stopped you. "I won't hurt you! I'm nice!" He quickly spoke as he jumped out of his hiding spot.

"A turtle?!" You shrieked. Raph was ready to try and calm you down, but you suddenly ran up to him with excitement. "So cool! You're so big! And green! Cool mask!" As you jumped around him, he couldn't fight back the smile growing on his face.

After some time, Raph had helped you find your mom as he hid, watching you run over and hug her.

After that, you had randomly saw Raph with his brothers during random occasions. He'd sometimes come and watch you get off the bus and walk to your apartment, making sure you were safe. He'd even stop by your house while your home slept to play with you and your toys.

One night, you had met up with your giant buddy and talked to him about one of missions that night. "Yeah, Leo can be kinda dumb sometimes, but I'm glad he knew what to do or we'd be goners." Raph chucked.

"You and your brothers are so cool! April too! I wish I can help you fight bad guys. But I don't think mommy will let me." You replaced your smile with a pout, crossing your arms. Raph quietly chuckled, "Do you wanna play the jumping game for awhile before I go back home?" He asked.

"YES!" You cheered, a little too loudly for Raph's liking. "Shh, don't wake up your mom!" He whisper shouts.

"Sorry." You whisper back and jump onto his shoulders. Raph climbs out the window and the two of you feel the cold air hot your faces as Raph jumps rooftop to rooftop.

You let out a giggle and cheer of excitement, Raph smiles at your happiness and jumps around for a bit more before he takes you back to your house. He tucks you into bed and pats you onto the head, lightly.

"I'll see you later, (Y/N)! Sleep well and have fun at school tomorrow." He waves, smiling as you return the gesture. He hops out the window, closing it before he runs off to the lair.

You snuggle into your blankets with a smile on your face. Happy to have seen your friend, Raph.


Hope you enjoyed ❤️ Sorry if it was short D:

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