nightingale - 2016! leo x fem! singer! reader

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Nightingale - 2016! Leo x Fem! Singer! Reader

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Nightingale - 2016! Leo x Fem! Singer! Reader


Request- AngelRosePhoenix

Request is- "Leo meets (Y/N) when she's singing one night in a basketball court. She's known as the Song Bird because everyone is attracted to her voice and especially the way she whistles. One night, while (Y/N) is heading home she gets attacked by the Purple Dragons  and Leo saves her.


'Her voice is amazing!' Leonardo thinks to himself, hiding in the shadows as he listens to you sing. He had heard you singing numerous times before and even learned that people call you the song bird.

Leo begins to zone out while listening to your captivating voice, accidentally falling over and knocking a bunch of trash cans down.

You instantly stop singing and turn to the source. You look at all the tumbled down trash cans and can faintly make out a figure hiding there. You get up and make your way over, only to come to a halt when a giant turtle gets up.

The two of you make eye contact awkwardly until Leo decides to speak up. "S-Sorry about that, I didn't mean to stop your singing. Uh- great singing by the way!" He nervously smiles and you smile back.

'Don't scream, (Y/N)...maybe he really is nice and totally won't crush me.'

You let out an anxious chuckle, "It's okay, I needed to stop anyway, it's late now. And thank you, I'm (Y/N)."

Leonardo smiles, "I'm Leo, and I understand- will you be fine to head off this late?" He asks.

You nod, "I really don't live far from here. Maybe a ten minute walk at best. Um- goodnight Leo."

Leo frowns before smiling again, 'I wish I could have talked to her some more...'

"Goodnight, (Y/N). O-Oh and uh before you go- I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about, uh- me?" He gestures to himself. You promise him that you wouldn't and head off.

As you make your way back to your apartment, you're stopped by the gang Purple Dragons. 'Not good...' You stand in fear, the dragons towering over you.

As one reaches over to grab you, he's instantly knocked off his feet and thrown to the side. The other boys quickly get beat up and tossed aside. As you look clearly, it's Leo.

"(Y/N), you okay?" He asks, coming closer to you. You stare in amazement at his weapons and stutter, "U-Uh yeah, thank you.."

Leo offers to take you home and you accept, he carries you and begins to jump from rooftop to your home with directions from you. When you reach your house, you beg him to come inside so you could give him some sweets that you had from leftover.

He tried to decline- but you insisted. While packing up a bunch of sweets for him, the two of you started to chat. You talked about your families a bit and random hobbies. While you talked about singing, Leo eventually asked if you could ever sing for him sometime. You agreed and sang a short song for him.

"That was amazing! Your voice really is lovely, (Y/N)." Leo compliments with a blush on his face, grabbing onto the sweets you left on the table for him.

You giggle, "Thank you, and I'm sorry for keeping you here longer than expected. Your family is probably waiting for you, huh?" You go over and open the door for him, "Maybe we can see each other another time?"

Leo agrees and gives you his number, the two of you part ways and agree to text each other to plan a hang out day.


You and Leo had gotten much closer, you and his family have been friends for a couple of months now and you visited their place often.

When ever you'd come over, Mikey would always beg you to sing. (Mikey always tried to
join in- but would get smacked by one of his brothers)

Everyone really enjoyed hearing your voice, it was so beautiful and soothing. You sounded just like an angel.

"Hello my Nightingale." Leo greets you as you walk into the lair. You smile and take a seat next to him. "Hello, Leo."

The blue masked turtle gives you his puppy dog eyes and you already know what he wants. You let a sigh before giggling,

"Alright fine! I'll sing you a song."


Hope you enjoyed and what you wanted ! :}

Also, if you want to request a chapter please don't request here. If you want to make a request, comment on the very first page of this book. the one titled, 'request.' and please read over the rules. The rules have been updated a bit so maybe check it out if you want lol.

If you have already requested please wait, I got a lot of requests now to write and I haven't gotten this much in such a short amount of time so I'm trying to work my way through them all! 💗 (You can still request, it might just take time for me to write!)

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