it's all okay - 2012! leo x reader

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It's all okay - 2012! Leo x Reader

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It's all okay - 2012! Leo x Reader


Request- PastelColoredZarkon

Request is- "Leo and the reader are enjoying their time together until Leo breaks down from stress. After, the reader and him cuddle, reassuring him that it's all gonna be okay.


( also everyone, if you want to make a request please read over the new rules on the first page of this book. there are some new rules that you need to know before requesting! 💗 )

It's felt like ages since the last time you and your boyfriend Leonardo have actually gotten a moment alone together to relax. It's been so stressful with the Kraang and Shredder, everyone on edge and protecting New York.

You and Leo sat in your apartment on your couch, watching his favorite show. You rest your head on his shoulder as the two of you watch.

Personally, this wasn't your favorite show- but, you'd honestly watch it just for Leo to be happy and you knew that he'd appreciate the fact you were watching his favorite show.

Although, you had been feeling a bit uneasy tonight. Leonardo seemed to be stiff and didn't seem to be into the show. Could it be he didn't like this episode? Or was something seriously wrong.

You finally glanced up to look at his face and your eyes widened in concern. He looked so upset and exhausted.

Sitting up, you rested your hand on his shoulder and be lightly flinched in surprise. "Hey, there something wrong? You don't look okay."

He shook his head, "I'm fine, (Y/N). Don't worry.."

Okay, now you knew something was wrong. His 'Don't worry' sounded weird.

"No, somethings wrong. Please tell me what's going on, I'm worried." You began to twiddle with your thumbs anxiously. 'Did I do something wrong?'

"I-I'm just really stressed, I guess? Everything with the Kraang and Shredder and the guys have been a bit hard on me," Leonardo's eyes water and light tears pool out of his eyes. "It's just been so hard on me as the leader. I'm just really stressed out looking after everyone and I wouldn't know what to do if someone got hurt. It would just be all my fault!"

He started to cry even harder, you sat there in worry listening to him.

He sniffled, "I-I'm sorry, (Y/N). I don't want you to see me like- like this? I'm supposed to be the leader and here I am crying. I really am pathetic- the guys would be better off without me.."

You frowned and hugged him, securing him in your arms. Leonardo quickly fell into you and squeezed you. You rubbed a soothing hand on his shell and rocked him gently.

'I've never seen Leo break down like this..' You frowned, listening to your boyfriend sob and shake.

"Everything's gonna be okay, sweetheart. Please don't think of yourself so little. You're very important to your family and me. We all need you, and you're doing an incredible job."

You pulled away from him, wiping his tears. He had calmed down and listened to you.

"Please don't bottle up your stress like this. I know you think the leader isn't supposed to show weakness but that isn't the case. I'm here for you, Leo. I love you so don't hesitate to come to me, it doesn't matter what it's for." You kiss him gently and Leo finally relaxes.

He sighs, hugging you. "Thank you, (Y/N). I'm really glad you're here." You hug him back and smile, "Let's cuddle as we watch Captain Ryan save the day!" You joke, pulling him close to you.

Leo chuckles and lays close to you, a smile on his face.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Leo. It's all okay."


i hope this is what you wanted and that you enjoyed this! ()

i just wanna say this again LOL. everyone, if you want to make a request please read over the new rules on the first page of this book. there are some new rules that you need to know before requesting! 💗

if you already requested, i'll try to get them done soon!

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open.

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