sly - 2012! turtles x fem! kunoichi! reader

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Sly - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Kunoichi! Reader

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Sly - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Kunoichi! Reader


Request- LetsWHEEZEOut

Request is- "The reader may look like a regular teenage girl, but she's so much more than that. One night while on the way to her friends place to sleepover, she gets stopped by the kraang. The turtles saw this and were about to help out, but she took care of it herself. This causes the boys to have some interest in her."


'See you soon! I'm on my way.' You typed out, sending the message to your friend. You shove your phone away in your pocket and make your way through the late night streets of New York City.

You were gonna spend the night with your friend at her place. You had been planning to have a normal night, or at least that's what you hoped for.

"Everything looks alright from this area." Leo says, taking a glance at the streets below him. He watches you as you walk for a second before turning back to his brothers.

"Should we call it a night?" Donnie asks, wanting to get back to his experiments. Leo thinks for a moment, "Yeah, it should be alrig- and never mind!"

The four brothers glance down the building and watch as a van is in front of you, five kraang bots pointing their guns at you. They jump off the building and hurry over to you.

"Surrender now and come with Kraang." One of them spoke. You roll your eyes in annoyance, "And here I thought tonight wouldn't be filled with any idiots.." You sigh, grabbing one of them and throwing them across the street.

The other four bots are on high alert, they begin to shoot bullets at you but you're easily able to dodge them all.

You're quick to wipe out two more of the bots with out any of your weapons. The last two charge at you, but you're able to grab one of their guns and shoot the two of them before they could get to you.

You drop the gun and sigh, "That wasn't so bad.." You wipe the sweat off your forehead.


You turn around and your eyes widen, four giant green turtles stare at you in shock. "What..?" You mumble, the one in orange bounces over to you excitedly.

"Are you a ninja or something?!" He asks, a little too close for your comfort but you don't say anything. The one in purple quickly rushes and pulls him away from you.

"S-Sorry..!" He nervously apologizes. You shake your head and smile, "Er..It's okay."

"You're turtles..?" You whisper to yourself, although their able to hear you.

The one in blue comes over, "Uh, we'll, yes. But I promise we don't mean any harm!" He quickly finishes nervously. The red one rolls his eyes at the blue ones nervousness.

"Oh..uh, not to be rude, but who are you?" You clench your bag.

The one in blue introduces everyone and you do the same. The five of you decide to chill in a alleyway and talk for a bit. You told them all about your training and how you were a Kunoichi, the boys stared and listened to you in fascination.

"You're one cool chick, (Y/N)!" Mikey laughs, slinging an arm over your shoulder. The others glare at the youngest for a moment before looking back at you with stars in their eyes.

"By any chance, do you happen to know about those guys who tried to kidnap you?" Leo asks.

You nod, "I don't know much about them to be honest. But, I have had to stop them every now and then from bothering people and just doing shady stuff around the area."

"How long have you been having encounters with those idiots?" Raphael questions.

You shrug, "Uh, maybe for like..a month now?"

Your phone pings, causing you to gasp in surprise. You pull it out and read the message from you friend.

"Uh, sorry guys, but I've gotta go now. I was supposed to meet my friend at her place." You awkwardly mumble, already enjoying being around the boys.

"(Y/N)! Take my number! We should hang!" Mikey waves his phone in your face, you move back and copy the number and put it into your own. "Send my number to your brothers for me. Let's hang out soon, guys! Call me whenever!" You say before rushing off in a hurry. You wave to them before you turn the corner, the boys wave back.

"(Y/N) seems pretty cool." Leo says, copying your number onto his phone. Donnie and Mikey nod in agreement and Raph grunts, "I mean, I guess she's pretty strong."

Mikey grins cheekily, cheeks rosy, "And she's pretty too!"


hope you liked this ❤️

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open.

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