cat out of the bag - 2012! mikey x male! reader

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Cat out of the bag - 2012! Mikey x Male! Reader

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Cat out of the bag - 2012! Mikey x Male! Reader


Request- Nelson_the_gayboy

Request is- "Mikey goes and visits his boyfriend one night, but his brothers follow him because they're suspicious of his whereabouts."


The clock finally reaches 11 PM and Mikey smiles to himself. He grabs his skateboard and begins to make his way out the lair. Raphael notices, his brow raises in suspicion. "Where ya going, Mikey?"

Michelangelo stops, "U-Um, just gonna go skate. Later!" He quickly runs out of the lair in a hurry, Donnie and Leo look over in confusion and Raph groans.

"He's been acting so weird! He's always leave the lair, why?!" Raph shouts. Leo goes over to him and sighs, "Who knows? I just hope he isn't talking to any humans."

Donnie's quiet for a moment, "Should we follow him? Just to make sure everything's alright?"

The three of them are quiet, contemplating it. Raph suddenly stands up, "Let's go, now."


A familiar knocking melody plays in your living room and you quickly get up. You run to your window and see your boyfriend, Mikey, with his usual smile. You slide open the window for him and step back.

When he hops in, the two of you reach in for a hug. You hold onto him for some time before pulling away, "Your turn to pick the movie, babe."

Mikey raises his fists in the air, "Sweet!" He rushes off to the couch, you make your way to the kitchen to grab the snacks.

You walk into the living room, carrying various bowls of different treats and setting them down on the coffee table. "The pizza should be here soon." You say, getting comfortable on the couch. Mikey opens up Netflix and clicks onto your account. He starts to flick through the different movies, trying to decide on one.

"How was school today?" He asks, still focused on the TV. You shrug, "It was great."

Mikey stops and glances over, an imaginary brow raised. You sigh, "No, I lied. It sucked like usual."

Your boyfriend begins to laugh, "That's the (Y/N) I know."

The two of you giggle amongst yourself, not a care in the world. Mikey's still looking for a movie, and just as you're about to rush him there's a knock at the door.

"That's probably the Pizza person." You stand up and leave the living room. You begin to walk to the front door and as you're unlocking it, the door suddenly flies open before you could do it yourself.

You gasp, "What the hell-?!"

"Who are you?!" Raphael shouts.

Your eyes widen, the sight of three more turtles startles you for a moment. 'Are these Mikey's brothers? I've never actually met them before.'

"Uhhh..." You begin, not sure how to introduce yourself.

"wAIT-!" Mikey screeches, rushing over to you. He grabs you by the shoulders and gently pushes you behind him.

"He's cool! We've known each other for a while now, trust me dudes."

The turtle in blue steps up, "Mikey! How long have you been friends with this human? You know we're not supposed to talk to humans."

Mikey fumbles with his fingers, "Uhhh..."

You roll your eyes, "Around three months."

"Yeah! Around three months!" Mikey nods.

His older brothers groan in frustration, "Mikey.." Donnie sighs.

"And me and (Y/N) aren't bros, we're dating." Mikey proudly states, arms crossed. "Looks like I got someone before you guys, hah!"

His brothers stare at you in surprise, "You're seriously LIKE Mikey?!" Raph asks, eyes wide in surprise.

You nod, sighing a bit, "He's a handful, but yeah."

It's quiet for a moment before Leonardo nods, "Alright, well, I guess we'll just go now.." He awkwardly throws his thumbs back to the door. Donnie nods, "Sorry for interrupting."

The three of them walk out and closes the door behind them. Mikey turns to you with a smile, "That went well! Now you can come down to the lair too!"

You nod, "Yeah, that's great!"

"Now you can meet Sensei!" Mikey laughs.

You nod, "Yeah, totally! Oh shit wait-"


hope this was fine. so happy someone requested for mikey. barely anyone does! 💕

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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