take a step back - 2012! donnie x tired! fem! reader

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Take a step back - 2012! Donnie x Tired! Fem! Reader

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Take a step back - 2012! Donnie x Tired! Fem! Reader


Request- -FluffyAngieDust_

Request is- "Reader has been lacking sleep for a while due to stress and school. When she stays the night with the turtles for their usual sleepovers, she has a nightmare and can't sleep for the rest of the night. The boys, especially Donnie, worry for her when they see her super tired in the morning."


You sighed, slamming your math book closed and smiled, 'I finally finished math, now I won't have to do it on the weekend..' You glanced at the clock on your desk, 'I'll meet at the guys' place in a bit..'

You were extremely tired from school and stressed from all of the work being given. It seemed like every night you had some new type of homework and you'd spend every night slaving away to them.

You thought sleeping over on a Friday night with your friends would be good for you. You'd often sleepover with the boys, and you hadn't done it in a while. Thinking it would be good for you, when Donnie asked if you wanted to stay over you agreed.

You decided to try and get a head start on your English essay that was due next week. You began to write and write and write, lost in the moment and didn't notice your phone vibrating.

Your eyes snapped open and you glanced to your phone, you quickly answered it before the call could go to voicemail and you pressed the phone to your ear.

"Hey (Y/N), you coming over soon?" Donnie wondered.

You glanced at the clock, you hadn't realized how much time went by while doing your essay. At least you could finish the little bit left when you got back from their place.

"U-Uh yeah! Give me a bit of time I'm on the way!"

You and Donnie bid farewell and you began to pack your stuff. Shoving random stuff into a small bag you quickly ran out your apartment and jumped into a nearby manhole.

You sped walked through the sewers and smiled tiredly when you could hear the faint sound of laughter from the brothers.

You walked in and waved, "Hey guys.." You tiredly spoke. The boys greeted you, Donnie a bit more excitedly.

"How've you been, (Y/N)? It's been a while since we saw you." Leo asked, taking a bite from his slice of pizza.

You tiredly smiled, your eyes heavy. "I'm fine, just been a bit busy."

The turtle joys and you eventually moved into the living room and did your usual activities. Playing video games and watching movies were making you feel a bit better, but you couldn't stop the growing wave of worry from crashing down on you.

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