different sides - 2012! raph x fem! reader

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Different sides - 2012! Raph x Fem! Reader

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Different sides - 2012! Raph x Fem! Reader


Request- Demon_Kat138

Request is- "(Y/N)'s a happy girl around her friends, but when she's by herself she's the exact opposite. She tends to question her worth and soon stops visiting the turtles. After a week the boys come over to check on her and find something surprising- especially to Raphael."


"(Y/N)! You're here!" Mikey jumps up from the couch to hug you. Giggling, you hug him back and pull away after. "Hey, Mikey."

Donnie steps out of his lab when he hears the commotion, he smiles when he sees you and comes over to greet you.

You sit down on the couch and greet the other two turtles, Raph smiles lightly at the way your face lights up when Mikey tells you a joke.

Raphael didn't like much things, but- your smile was definitely one of his favorite things in the world.

Throughout the day, you hung out with your turtle buddies down in their lair and it was almost painful for you to keep up this act.

You just wanted to go home and crawl back into your bed. You weren't sure, were your friends actually having fun with you or were they lying to not hurt your feelings?

You couldn't help but compare yourself to April and Casey. Did they like those two more than you? Were your best friends Mikey and Donnie getting sick of you?

Did Raph find you annoying? You couldn't help but wonder if you deserved to have someone like Raph. You just couldn't tell him the way you felt, it's not like he'd feel the same way about you.


While watching Leo and Mikey face off against each other on a game, you frowned and looked down to the floor from behind.

Raphael took notice of the way your mood had quickly dropped, but when you quickly smiled and fixed yourself- he began to get a bit worried. 'Is (Y/N) tired?' Raph wonders.

"Hey, uh, guys, I actually have to go now. My mom is expecting me now." You lied.

Mikey frowned, "Awh, let's hang out soon then!"

You smiled at the youngest turtle, "Sure."

You bid farewell to the family of mutants and quickly left the sewers. 'I just wanna go home now. I'll just hide under my covers and never come out.'


And that's exactly what you did. School was out for a while and you stayed cooped up in your room and thinking to yourself. You hadn't opened any messages from your human friends or mutant friends.

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