hurt - 2012! raph x masc presenting nb! reader

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Hurt - 2012! Raph x Masc Presenting NB! Reader

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Hurt - 2012! Raph x Masc Presenting NB! Reader


Request- AshDrako

Request is- "(Y/N) has already came out to the others, who are all supportive but Raph starts to make rude comments towards you. Such as dead naming, using wrong pronouns etc. When (Y/N) finally snaps the two get in a fight, which ends in a different way than (Y/N) expected. Reader is Non-Binary using They/He pronouns.


You thought everything was going to be perfectly fine when you came out to your mutant friends, April and Casey. But, there was one particular mutant who was pissing you off.

It was Raphael, to your surprise. You'd assume he would be somewhat chill with you but he'd always use the wrong pronouns, make rude nicknames and dead name you sometimes.

It hurt, seeing as Raph was your crush, but after awhile you finally decided that it was enough and you were finally going to get him to stop the next time he'd do something like that.

"Okay guys, we need to find this certain part for me to continue with my invention. I think we should split up so it can go faster." Donnie says, the seven of you stood in a circle and listened.

"Alright team, let's split up. Donnie and Mikey go down that area of the sewers, April and Casey over there, (Y/N) and Raph go down that way. I'll go by myself!" Leo slides his swords into their holder and Raph rolls his eyes.

"Why do you get to go by yourself? And why do I gotta go with her?" Raph harshly motions over to you, causing your to roll your eyes.

Leo sighs, "Because, I don't trust Mikey to go by himself so Donnie's there. April's there to watch Casey-"

"Hey!" The two boys call out, causing Leo to groan, "And they're there to watch you, Raph."

You sigh, giving a small nod to Leo. "It's fine, Leo. Let's just head off now and regroup hour and thirty minutes?"

Leo nods, "Right. Well, see you guys back here in a bit."

You and Raph head off the other way, heading off into a random area in the sewer that you weren't too familiar with. You begin to look through random piles of trash for any robotic glowing part that Donnie could use.

You felt weird, an frustrated. Probably being near Raph caused you to feel this way and it made you upset. You used to get along pretty well with Raph until around a few weeks ago since you came out.

"(dead name), have you found anything?"

You drop a random piece of metal and turn to him, your teeth gritted together in anger, "My name is (Y/N), idiot! Quit doing this shit, Raph!"

You shove your face into his and Raph rolls his eyes. "I'm not even doing anything!"

"YES YOU ARE! Quit messing with me! If everyone else can respect me, so can you!"

Raph's eyes widen and he begins to panic, you ball your fists and move closer into him, "Quit being such a-"

Raph cuts you off and kisses you. Your brows furrowed in confusion and shock, Raph quickly pulls away and runs off.

You stand there for a moment and try to process the events that had occurred, "What the fuck?" You turn and watch as he runs off.

Confused and wanting an explanation, you chase after him. He's already so far ahead of you, turning into random areas in the sewer you just hope that you won't get lost. You come to a halt when you see him sitting on the floor, his fists balled with an embarrassed expression.

You slowly make your way over, "Okay, you need to tell me what the heck's your problem. Why'd you even do that for? You think that's funny?"

You stand over the turtle, who looks up at you then away sadly. He sighs, then stands up. "I..."

You cross your arms and tap your foot impatiently, "Yeah?"

He sighs, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

You're surprised to finally hear your name coming out of his mouth. You flinch slightly from the surprise but keep quiet.

"I guess..I'm just not used to having a crush on people who present more..masculine? I just didn't know how to express my feelings cause I was confused." He crosses his arms and glares to the ground.

"Are you joking again?" You ask, desperately wanting to believe him. He nods, "I swear it, (Y/N). I'm sorry for hurting you."

You cautiously get closer to him, opening your arms up you sigh. Raph realizes you're motioning for him to hug you, and he awkwardly does. You hold each other for a few moments before pulling away.

"I'm still hurt by your comments, but I'm just glad you finally explained yourself." You give him a reassuring smile and he sighs, "I know, I just hope over time we can try and fix what I broke."

"We can." You nod, not even realizing Mikey and Donnie stood from afar.

"How sweet is that! Raph, let me hug you too, bro!" Mikey laughs, opening up his arms and running into him. "NO!" Raph growls, running away from Mikey. "Touch me and you're dead!"

You and Donnie watch from the side, nervously sweating, "Should we break them up before Mikey gets hurt..?" You ask.

Donnie sighs, "...Yeah."



sorry for the wait! hope this was okay??

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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