sudden realization - bayverse! donnie x chubby! fem! reader

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Sudden Realization - Bayverse! Donnie x Chubby! Fem! Reader

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Sudden Realization - Bayverse! Donnie x Chubby! Fem! Reader


Request- EmRose922

Request is- "The reader doesn't think she's good enough to be with Donnie because of how strong and smart he is. She puts herself in a best friend role so she doesn't fall too hard for Donnie, but it doesn't work. She goes to the others for support, and when Donnie finds (Y/N) cuddling with one of his brothers he gets jealous."


Sitting next to Donnie as he works on his machine, you admire the way he focuses on his blueprints and how he adjusts certain parts and puts them into place. His tongue sticks out slightly in concentration and you can't help but smile at the sight. 'He's so smart..'

The familiar feeling of emptiness in your stomach grows and you hold back a sigh. Watching Donnie, it just brings negative emotions that you couldn't control.

You've had feelings for Donnie for awhile now, it's been months and they just grow stronger every moment. But, why would he feel the same way?

You Donnie was so smart and strong, and you weren't. Instead, you were just good at art and cooking. Donnie was so well built and you weren't. You were a lot chubbier than he ever could be and he was so much smarter than you.

Obviously you weren't a good match for him and he'd never feel the same way for you. To Donnie, you were just his friend and that's all you'd ever be.

So, instead of facing rejection and the thought of confessing, you placed yourself in a best friend position. In your eyes, it seemed like that was fine with Donatello. He looked satisfied with the way things currently were.

"Could you please pass me the blue wire, (Y/N)?" Donnie's voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you complied. "Here, Donnie."

Your fingers brushed with his, and you quickly covered the lovey-dovey smile on your face with your other hand. "Thanks, (Y/N)."

Clearing your throat, you nodded, "It's fine." You continued to watch him as he worked, a gloomy expression on your face. You got up from your seat, "I'm gonna head out for a bit."

Donnie nods, "Alright, I'll see you later then."

You take once last glance at him and frown before walking away. You head over to the living room and Mikey's there, watching one of his random shows that you don't know much about. Although, he'd always beg you to watch with him one day.

"Hey Mikey." You greeted him, sitting down next to him on the 'sofa'. He shoots you his signature smile, "Hey (Y/N)! Wanna watch?"

The puppy dog eyes that he's giving you make you give in, "Yeah, sure." You sigh. He takes notice of your demeanor and frowns, "You good, dudette?"

You shrug, "I've seen better days."

Mikey suddenly moves in closer to you, "You want a hug? I give the best hugs, ya know."

You chuckle, moving in closer to him as you rest your head on his shoulder, "Thanks Mikey."

You didn't realize that the two of you would stay in that position, you just fell into him and stayed that way. His touch was comforting and you eventually became interested in the show.

Donnie glanced over at his watch and frowned, "Where's (Y/N)? She's been gone for a while.." He mutters, putting down his tools and standing up. He makes his way to the lounges where he notices you and Mikey cuddled up together.

His eyes widen in surprise, his mouth drops slightly in shock. 'Are those two..? No, no way! They would've told us if they were.'

Donnie didn't understand why he was so upset at first, the sight of you and his younger brother so close caused him to grit his teeth in anger. That's when Donnie realized it, he was jealous. He liked you.

'What do I do now? How did I just realize this?' Donnie stood from afar and watched the two of you. "(Y/N)." He called out, moving in closer.

You picked your head off of Mikey's shoulder and turned to him, "Y-Yeah?"

The expression on his face was different than his usual, he looked a bit frustrated and you became nervous. "Could you help me?" He asked, and you nodded while standing up. "I'll see you later, Mikey."

"See ya." He called out, eyes glued onto the flashing lights on the screen. You and Donnie went back over to his station, as you sat next to him you waited for him to tell you what to do but he never did, he just went back to work by himself.

"Donnie, what did you need help with?" You asked. Donnie doesn't reply, instead he continues to work on his machine.

'Does (Y/N) seriously like Mikey?!'

"Donnie?" You tapped his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. "O-Oh, sorry, (Y/N)." Donnie mutters nervously, "U-Uh, I need you to help me with, uhhh..."

You raised a brow, "Did you even need my help? Or.."

Donnie stays quiet for a moment until he sighs, placing the wrench back onto the table gently. "No, I didn't, I'm sorry for calling you over here. You can go back to Mikey if you want."

You frowned, "Why did you call me out here?" You asked him. He awkwardly looks around before taking a breath, "I..was jealous."

You tilted your head in confusion, "Of what?"

He finally turned to look into your eyes, "I was jealous of how close you were to Mikey. I-I was worried that you him."

You snapped your eyes open in surprise, "W-wait, really?"

Donnie nodded, "..I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I liked you. I finally realized it after seeing you with him. I'm sorry, (Y/N), I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable.."

You couldn't believe what he was saying, these were the last words you'd expect to hear from Donnie. "..Are you sure?"

Donnie nods again, glancing away from you.

"I-I feel the same way, Donnie. I always thought you were so much better than me and that I would never be a good match for you."

You finally admitted it to him, you watched as his face morphed from one to sadness change into shock and confusion.

"That's not true! You've always been amazing to me." His voice raises slightly, cheeks pink.

You smile, "I'm really glad.." Donnie stares into your eyes as his smile grows, "Me too."


sorry for the wait, hope this was alright!

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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