reckless - rise! donnie x injured! male! reader

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Reckless - Rise! Donnie x Injured! Male! Reader

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Reckless - Rise! Donnie x Injured! Male! Reader


Request- JacksonWilliams263

Request is- "Donnie helps his boyfriend, (Y/N) as he's injured."


"I can't believe you could be so reckless!" Donnie says, frustration visible in his tone. You chuckled nervously, scratching the back of neck.

Donnie paces back and forth around his lab, grabbing multiple supplies and placing them on the table you sat on. "Hold still." He sternly commands, and you laugh. "Yes, Sir."

As Donnie cleans up the multiple scratches and bruises on your body, you could see the way his eyebrows were furrowed in obvious frustration.

Donnie wasn't mad at you, of course. He was mad at himself. He was upset because he was the reason you were so hurt, he should've protected you- but he didn't. You were the one protecting him.

Earlier, while the two of you were out on a date, there were some thugs causing trouble. Donnie was about to get struck by one of the guys, but you quickly jumped in and saved him. This caused you to somehow fly off of the rooftop you were on, and fall on top of a trash can. Donnie had obviously quickly finished that guy off before rushing over to you and taking you to his lab.

"Donnie, I swear, I'm fine! I appreciate you fixing me up but you can chill-"

Donnie angrily interrupts you, "I can't "chill" out, (Y/N)! It's my fault you're hurt!" He yells, slamming his fist angrily on the table.

You flinch in surprise, you worryingly listen to Donnie as he speaks. You knew he was having a hard time opening up, but this one one of those rare times where he would.

"I-I just.." He mumbles, avoiding eye contact. He glances down at the floor, sighing. "I feel like I'm just not good enough for you? There are so many reasons why- It's just- the biggest one being that one day you'll end up so hurt and it'll be my fault. I can't do anything to keep you safe and I just feel so useless to you."

Donnie had turned away, leaning his arms on the table across from the one you were sitting on. "Donnie, come here." You say. He doesn't budge at first, but eventually turns back around and goes over to you. "Don't say that, because it isn't true. You mean the world to
me and I worry for you so much, that's why I put myself into reckless situations just to keep you safe. I promise I'll be more careful, but you gotta promise the same, too."

Donnie finally looks back up to you, he sighs before giving in, "I promise..."

You smile, cupping his cheeks in your hands. "I love you, you're the best boyfriend a guy could ever ask for, Donnie. So don't ever think of yourself to be so little to me ever again."

Donnie blushes in embarrassment, glancing to the side. "You're so cheesy," He covers his face in embarrassment, "..I love you too."

You laugh, patting him on the shoulder. "Now help fix me up so we can go do something together."

Donnie nods, continuing from where he left off from. "(Y/N), no skateboarding for awhile, you've got a sprained ankle. I'm being serious!" He sternly says.

You nod, "You got it, Doc."

Donnie raises an eyebrow, "(Y/N)..." His tone made you shiver. "I SWEAR I'LL BE CAREFUL!!!" You shout nervously.

Donnie sighs, "Thank you." He finally finished up, and you slowly get off the table with his help.

"Don't walk for a while, I'll carry you while I'm here." He picks you up, causing your cheeks to feel warmer, "Okay.."

"Wanna stay in my room for awhile? Just the two of us, of course." Donnie glances down at you, walking to his bedroom. You nod instantly, "Yes!"


hope you liked this :]

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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