some time now - 2012! raph x goth! male! reader

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Some Time Now - 2012! Raph x Goth! Male! Reader

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Some Time Now - 2012! Raph x Goth! Male! Reader


Request- Oliver_da_turtle

Request is- "When (Y/N) and Raph hang out one night, their feelings for each other finally get revealed."


"Sit still, Raph. It's gonna look bad if you keep moving around." You hissed, grabbing Raph's cheeks and pulling his face closer to yours.

Raph's cheeks were hotter than before, and you noticed the embarrassment on his face.

"What? Are you shy because you're this close to me?" You teased.

Raphael growls in embarrassment, "Oh whatever! I don't get "shy", (Y/N)." He rolls his eyes, getting comfortable in his position.

You smirk, "Yeah, yeah. I'm almost done, anyways."

The both of you were silent as you continued to work on his makeup. You had invited Raph over to do his makeup when he randomly complimented you for your own.

"I'm surprised you actually agreed to letting me do this." You pulled away, reaching over to your bag and pulling something out.

He shrugged, "All I said was that I thought it was kinda cool. You practically begged me to let you do this."

You chuckled, "I think you look good like this though, even if it isn't finished yet."

He looked away in embarrassment, "...Yeah, okay, whatever."

You eventually moved down to his lips and began to apply lipstick onto his lips. Raphael couldn't hide the redness from his usual green face no matter how hard he tried to.

As you sat there, he began to admire your appearance. Your goth look was something that he found interesting, the black you wore, the chokers, chains and the interesting makeup too. He thought that it suited you, that you looked good.

"..Can I tell you something." He spoke up once you finished. You nodded, "Yes?"

"I've got feelings for you, (Y/N)."

You were taken aback, "Really?"

He nodded, "Yeah, you're just so...awesome? I guess. I don't really know how to express my feelings for you."

You smiled, leaning into him and pressing your lips onto his own.

You pulled away before he could react, and began to laugh. "I've wanted to do that for a while now."

"Me too." He smirked, pulling you back into him


hope you enjoyed reading. :]]

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