sun and moon - 2012! april x shy!emo!fem! reader

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Sun and Moon - 2012! April x Shy!Emo!Fem! Reader

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Sun and Moon - 2012! April x Shy!Emo!Fem! Reader


Request- artworkfanboi

Request is- "When the two of them first meet, reader bumps into april and the two instantly hit it off."

Song- When The Sun Loves The Moon - Reinaeiry


When the sun loves the moon

As you quickly rushed down the halls in hopes of reaching your class in time, wherever it was, you didn't expect to collide into someone else.

Falling hard onto the ground, the two of you groan in slight pain. You open your eyes and meet the eyes of another girl.

"S-Sorry..I didn't mean to bump into you like that.." You mumble, reaching out and grabbing her books. You help her to her feet, shyly, you try to avoid her gaze but you couldn't. Something about her just pulled you in and you couldn't look away.

Even the ocean feels her pull

"It's okay! Are you new here? My names April."

"Yes, my names (Y/N)." You give her a small smile in return for the one she's giving to you.

As she still holds onto your hands, she asks, "Wanna be friends? I can show you around the place!"

"I-I'd like that. Thank you, April.."

Oh, and the stars align every night

Two months later, you and April have gotten closer than expected. Something about her brightness and energy like the sun, captivated you.

Whereas your calming and shyer side, like the moon, captured her attention and she couldn't pull away. She liked the softness from you, from all the crazy in her life your energy pulled her back down to Earth.

To spell out their love in tiny bright lights
Oh, when the sun loves the moon

One night April decided to confess her feelings for you, and she was nervous but confident. The encouraging words from her friends reassured her as she waiting for you on her apartments rooftop.

"Hey, April. Sorry I'm late." You waved over to her, coming closer.

She admired your appearance, she loved the piercings you had, the makeup on your eyes to the clothes you wore.

It was all so perfect to April.

Never touching but never far
Oh, at the break of day

"Hey, it's cool! I just wanted to ask you something..." April began, twirling a strand of her hair with her fingers. You watched her before looking into her eyes.

"Alright, what is it?"

April nervously coughs, "W-Well, it's a bit embarrassing. I hope we can still be friends after this."

You raise a brow in confusion, "Of course we'll stay friends. What's the matter, April?"

A summer's ray
A moonlit night that casts away

Gulping, "W-Well, I just wanted to say that I.."

April stops and looks behind you, the sight of the turtles watching them causing her to groan in annoyance.

You turn around in confusion, but she pulls you to look back at her.

"I-I like you..!"

Their love remains, their love remains

Your eyes widen, "Really..?"

She nods, her cheeks redder than usual. You can feel your face growing hotter as you slowly
begin to nod.

"I feel the same way, April."

Oh, when the sun loves the moon

Her golden light

April smiles, her features glow underneath the moonlight and you can't help but stare.

Her silver hues

April admires your features as the two of you are inches apart under the stars.

You both slowly lean into each other, pressing your lips onto each other but passionately.

A beautiful song

Slowing pulling away, you smile at her and she giggles.

From afar, the turtles silently cheer in victory for their friend.

Oh, how they long
For dawn.


hope you liked this.  ;P

requests: CLOSED!!!!

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