i'm not really good with my words - 2016! raph x male! chubby! reader

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I'm not really good with my words - 2016! Raph x Male! Chubby! Reader

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I'm not really good with my words - 2016! Raph x Male! Chubby! Reader


Request- JacksonWilliams263

Request is- "(Y/N) has always been bullied for his weight, and while at the lair one day Raph makes a comment about his weight. This causes (Y/N) to get upset and cry. Raph apologizes and confesses to him."


You thought you were gonna have a good time down at the lair with your friends, but you weren't prepared for what was about to occur.

Mikey had begged you to come down to the lair and hang out, you finally agreed when you were able to make some time for him.

You took your time as you walked through the sewers, trying your best to hide your nose from the smell of old garbage and dirty sewage water.

Once you made it to the lair, Mikey instantly came over to greet you. "Hey dude! How've ya been?"

You took a seat next to him and pulled out a controller, "I've been fine, a bit busy. You?"

"Just the usual," He shrugged, "Let's play this game now. I need help defeating the boss."

As the two of you played, Raph quietly watched, secretly admiring you. The way you laughed and joked around caused his hearts to do flips.

He's had a crush on you for a while, but he's never had the bravery to tell you about it. Raph would occasionally tease you as a way of flirting, but you'd always feel a bit upset by his words.

The things he'd say never really hurt you that badly until today. Mikey paused the game and told you he had to go to the bathroom and that he'd come back with snacks.

You sighed, "Alright, just hurry. You always take long in the bathroom." You rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone.

"I do not!" He argues back. He quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom. "I'll be back in one minute!" He shouts.

"More like ten minutes.." You mumble.

You were sitting on the couch, texting a couple of friends. That's when Raph decided to come by and pull a move on you. "Hey (Y/N)." He tries his best to sound cool.

Your cheeks heated up a tad, "Oh, hey Raph."

He glanced around the room then down at you. He watched as you typed on your phone, giggling lightly. He sneakily peeked over and read your messages.

'He's texting some dude?' Raph thought, reading the way that other guy would lightly flirt with you.

You seemed pretty oblivious to your friends flirting, and Raph became jealous.

He was angry too. And when Raph's angry, he says a lot of hurtful things.

"Are ya really sure you should eat anymore? You should probably skip out on all of the junk that Mikey's gonna bring back."

You stopped typing and froze. Your eyebrows furrowed In confusion and you could feel your eyes water. You stood up angrily, "I'm sick of all of your hurtful comments, why the hell are you always so mean to me? What the heck did I even do?" You ask, tears began to slowly slip down your cheeks. You grab your stuff and bolt out of the lair. 

Raph is quick to realize what he's done and slaps his forehead in frustration, "Wait!" He quickly follows behind, the two of you leaving the lair.

Raph eventually caught up to you, "Wait, I-I didn't mean what I said.."

You stopped and angrily turned around, "Are you serious?! Why would you even say that though? Your "jokes" aren't funny.." You cross your arms, dropping your head.

Raph tries to come up with the right words, stuttering as he speaks, "I-I was kinda jealous of that guy you were texting. I guess."

You furrowed your brows in frustration, "Why?"

Raph doesn't reply, he awkwardly stares at you.

"Well?" You tap your foot impatiently. He doesn't reply, you roll your eyes and turn away. "I'm leaving."

As you turn your back to the turtle and walk off, he quickly stops you and spins you around, "I like you."


"I, uh, have a crush on you, (Y/N).."

You finally stand still and take in his words, "But why do you always make those stupid comments?"

Raph rubs his neck in embarrassment, "I was trying to flirt.."

You burst out laughing, making Raph blush in your embarrassment, "You're so stupid, Raph.."

He growls awkwardly, "S-Shut up. I'm..not really good with my words.."

Your laughter dies down, "I get it. And I like you too, but you gotta stop with those comments."

Raph nods, "I promise, and I'm sorry, (Y/N). Will you be my boyfriend?"

You nod, "I will."


Back in the lair, Mikey walks in with plates of snacks and food. "I'M BACK!"

He looks around in confusion, "(Y/N)? Where'd you go?"

He sets the plates down and looks at the screen. The faint music from the video game is the only source of sound in the empty lair.

"Was I gone for that long..?"


sorry for the wait! i've been busy. hope you liked this :]

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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