i've realized - 2012! raph x fem! reader

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I've realized - 2012! Raph x Fem! Reader

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I've realized - 2012! Raph x Fem! Reader


Request- Demon_Kat138

Request is- "This requests takes place in the space arc, adding characters that weren't previously there now into the story, too. (Y/N) begins to grow upset whenever she sees Raph acting all lovey-dovey with Mona. Slash is upset with Raph for disregarding her feelings and for treating (Y/N) like she doesn't exist."


You let out a groan of frustration as you quickly shut the door. Seeing your own crush get all lovely with another girl that he had just met really ticked you off. And, it was also a bit upsetting being the only girl on the ship without any actual spark of romance in your life.

You knew that you couldn't change the way Raph feels, it would be selfish to make it all about yourself. You knew he was starting to feel a lot more happier now. Especially with everything that's happened leading up to the fact everyone was in space now.

But, it hurt especially because it felt like Raph had forgotten all about you. The two of you used to be close back on Earth, you always be glued to each other and now he barely spoke with you.

There were only a few moments when you could actually talk with him. That was, of course, when Mona wasn't around.

You thought she was cool, she was strong, too. But that's why you also had a grudge on her. You knew she didn't like you too- but you tried to get on her good side whenever Raph was around.

It was all for him, everything was for him. Because you wanted him to be happy, even if it was hurting you inside.

You did have someone to vent to, luckily. Slash was there for you, and the two of you became pretty good friends. He'd always express how angry he was at Raph for disregarding you, and you felt better with his company.

You stormed down the hallway of the ship, hands shoved into your pockets.

You weren't paying attention to where you were going, you ended up knocking into Slash and falling over.

"You good? You're zoning out." The giant turtle gave you a hand, you took it with a smile and hoisted yourself up.

"The usual." You rolled your eyes.

Slash let out a growl, "Okay, that's it. I'm gonna say something. Now."

He quickly walked down into the room they were in, ignoring your calls for him to stop. You decided to eventually walk off and go find Mikey to sit with while he watched TV. You could only hope Slash didn't mention too much.


Slash opens the door, he watches as Raph and Mona rub their noses together and he lets out a noise of disgust.

The two pull away and turn to him. "Do you need something?" Mona angrily asks. Slash clenches his fists, "Yeah- you two gotta tone it a bit with all that lovey-dovey crap. It's annoying and bothering some of us."

Mona and Raph get up and stand across from Slash. "What?" Mona crosses her arms angrily.

"Slash, what the heck are you talking about, man?" Raph glares up at him.

"You Earthlings...so annoying." Mona mumbles, crossing her arms she looks to the side and Slash growls. "What did you just-"

Raph cuts him off, "Who's upset?"

"Me, Mikey, probably a few others and especially (Y/N)." Slash replies.

Raph's quiet for a moment, "Why (Y/N) especially?" He asks, confusion laced in this voice.

Mona sighs, and Slash glares at her before speaking. "You haven't even realized? When's the last time you ACTUALLY talked to her? It's like you've completely forgotten all about her. How do you think she feels now?"

Raph doesn't reply, he only stays quiet as he thinks.

"You've gotta be a bit more there for your friends, especially (Y/N). You know, she really does care a lot about you, a lot more than you'd realize..." Slash finally says, an emphasis on his words at the end before walking off, satisfied with his words.

The door closes and Raph and Mona sit in silence.

"I've never even realized I've been ignoring (Y/N). Ah man..what is wrong with me?" Raph slaps his forehead in frustration.

Mona rolls her eyes again, "Her feelings don't matter. She's just one feeble human, she's insignificant."

Raph quickly gets angry, "What?! Why would you say that about (Y/N)?"

She crosses her arms, "It's true, though. She's just a human. What about me?"

Raphael frowns, "I don't like the way you talk about (Y/N). She may be human, but that doesn't matter. And she definitely isn't weak."

Raph storms out of the room, in a hurry to find you and try to talk.

Mona storms after him, trying to call him back but he doesn't listen.

When he turns the corner, he sees you with the others. 'When did everyone meet up together?' He quickly gets over to you and shakes your shoulder. You turn away from Mikey and stare into Raphael's eyes. "Could you come with me? I need to talk to you."

You stand up, "Give me a second Mikey," you and Raph get ready to leave the room but Mona is quick to come in.

"Earth people really can get bothersome.." She furrows her brows in frustration.

"Rude." Mikey crosses his arms and runs off to bother Donnie.


"What's up?" You ask, leaning against the wall.

"I just wanted to say sorry. Slash told me everything and now I've realized..I'm sorry for
being such a jerk to you, (Y/N)." Raph sadly says, awkwardly rubbing his arm.

You knew how hard it could be for him to say sorry, it made you smile at the thought of him going out of his way for you.

"I'm just glad we're able to have an actual conversation again. It's been really awful recently, and not being able to be together the way we used to be just makes things worse, I guess?" You shrug.

Raphael smiles, "Yeah, you're right. I swear I won't do you like that again, (Y/N). And maybe...I have been spending a bit too much time with Mona. Can we try and go back to the way we were before all of...this?"

You nod, hugging the turtle. He's shocked, obviously not used to the sudden touch from
you but quickly falls into your arms and opens his heart up. "Yeah, let's go back to normal."


hope you enjoyed 💗 sorry if it wasn't what you want, i tried my best! i tried to make stuff work here 😗❤️

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open.

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