home is where the heart is - 2012! leo x fem! reader

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Home is where the heart is - 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader

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Home is where the heart is - 2012! Leo x Fem! Reader


Request- houses78

Request is- "(Y/N) spends her Friday night with her boyfriend, Leo and his brothers. The five of them have a night filled with lots of love and fun and it's just super sweet :,)" 


You, Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey were all sitting around the TV. You had planned to have a movie night with the help of Mikey, it was the perfect way for everyone to unwind after dealing with the Kraang.

You and Mikey had gotten various different snacks, Mikey going a bit overboard, though.

"Let's watch this movie!" Mikey shouted, wiggling the disk to the 'Bee movie'.

Raph angrily snatched the disk and threw it across the lair, "I AM NOT WATCHING THAT STUPID MOVIE EVER AGAIN!"

Mikey pouted, pulling out another movie and showing it to the group for approval.

"A horror movie?" Donnie questioned. Mikey nodded excitedly and you frowned. "You sure you can handle this movie, Mikey? It's kinda scary.."

The turtle quickly stands up, "Of course I can!" He puts his hands on his hips and poses, "I'm obviously the most bravest turtle ever to exist!"

"Just put the movie in already!" Raph throws a piece of popcorn at his head. Mikey sits down and puts the movie on, you get comfortable and scoot in closer to Leonardo.

You, Leo and Raph all sit together on the couch while Donnie and Mikey sit on the floor with various pillows and beanbags. You notice Donnie putting away some machine he was tinkering with before, Mikey already eating half of the pizza and you smile.

"If you get scared, (Y/N), I'm here." Leo whispers, eyes glued to the screen. You smile, resting your head on his shoulder. He puts his arm around your shoulder and smiles.

Leo was always cheesy like that, but you found it sweet. It's one of the reasons why you liked him so much. The two of you started to date two months ago, and you were extremely close with his family. They treated you like you were apart of their family, their love and welcoming nature towards you always made you feel right at home with them.

Halfway across the movie, you could visibly see Mikey shake, he quickly ran half way across the room to Donnie for comfort. Donnie sighed before making room for him. Raphael munches on some popcorn, obviously not phased by the movie unlike Mikey.

Some time had passed and the ending of the movie was getting closer, and everyone was beginning to grow tired. Everyone had began to make themselves more comfortable, Mikey had eventually thrown himself onto Donnie and began to lean on him. You knew that Donnie didn't make an effort to move him because he was used to it at this point.

You rested your head on Leo's lap. He placed a comforting hand on top of your head and gently pet it. You plopped your feet on Raphael's lap.

He let out a forced grunt of annoyance but didn't bother to move your feet. You knew that he really didn't mind, it was just Raph being Raph. He eventually puts his arm over you and gets comfortable.

Leonardo noticed this, and smiled to himself. He liked knowing you could get along well with his brothers, especially Raphael of all people. He was happy that you were his girlfriend, and he knew the others were too.

The movie had practically reached the end, and you all stay still. "I know this sounds cheesy, but I really love you guys. Like- a lot. I hope we'll always stay together, cause I don't plan on going anywhere."

Mikey's eyes light up, "I LOVE YOU TOO, (Y/N)!! SO SO MUCH!"

Donnie blushes in embarrassment, "O-Oh, wow...thanks, (Y/N). I love you too."

Raph grunts in embarrassment, "I...love you...too..I guess.." He crosses his arms and leans his head back.

Leo smiles, he plants a kiss on your forehead, "I love you, (Y/N). Always and forever." He watches as your eyes close, he glances at the others and watches as they begin to fall asleep. Leo leans back and gets comfortable, keeping a secure arm on you as he falls asleep.

The five of you had fallen asleep, the TV still on, trash around the floor, the sound of light snoring. Master Splinter had walked out to check if everyone was alright, and when he saw the sight before him he smiled.

He heads back into his room and grabs blankets, covering everyone with them and planting kisses on their foreheads. He sneakily takes a picture, off to add it to his collection of his family pictures. "Goodnight, my children."


hope you guys liked this ! :> this was such a cute request! =^-^=

as i was writing this i left random music to play and i was like "omg this oneshot is so sweet and wholesome 🥰" then WAP started to play 😭 i was like ... 😐 my face dropped so fast LMAO

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open.

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