the new guy - rise! leo x skeleton! male! reader

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The New Guy - Rise! Leo x Skeleton! Male! Reader

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The New Guy - Rise! Leo x Skeleton! Male! Reader


Request- Wubba-Lubba-DubDub

Request is- "When the turtles go out to eat pizza, Leo meets a new waiter who he finds himself interested in."


When the boys decided to go down to Run of the Mill Pizza one night, they were surprised to see not one, but two Señor Hueso's. Obviously, one of them looked different from the other. He was taller and wore nicer clothes, he somehow looked a lot younger than Hueso, and that pushed Leonardo to ask.

"Who's that guy over there?" Leo questions, glancing at you from afar. Hueso glances over to you and back to the turtles, "He is my younger brother, somewhere around your age."

Leo continues to glance over at you and starts to zone off. Raph notices, "Leo, we just ordered. Snap outta it, man."

Leo finally snaps back to reality and acknowledges his brothers, "Yeah, my bad."

Raph raises a brow, "Why do you keep looking at him?" Leonardo awkwardly shrugs, "I dunno."

After a little while, your brother calls you over. "This one goes to the four turtles over there." He points to their table and you nod, grabbing the tray and making your way over.

"Here you go, guys." You smile, placing the tray onto the table and they thank you. Leonardo glances at you and his older brother sighs, "Uh, you're Señor Hueso's younger brother, right? You guys look really similar."

Leo's eyes widen and he looks over to Raph curiously. You nod, "Yeah, I'm (Y/N). My brother has told me about you guys, especially you."

You point to Leo and he raises a brow, "Me?"

You nod, causing Leo to smirk, "Well, I hope it's all good things."

You awkwardly look to the side, "Well, you sound fun to me." This causes Leo to shoot you a smile. He notices how you're taller than Hueso, and how you seem to dress a lot fancier than he does.

"You're taller than your brother, you sure you're younger?" Leo jokes. You laugh, "Yeah, it's surprising. We do look similar too, almost like twins, but he's grown and I'm still a teenager."

"How come we haven't seen you around before?" Mikey asks. "I usually do my own things, but my brother said he needed help around here I am."

Leo smirks, "Well, I'm glad you're here. I guess we'll just have to stop by more often since you're here now."

You chuckle, "I'll be looking forward to seeing you here then."

The other three turtles watch the scene unfold, and they each glance to each other with a cheeky grin.

"We're definitely gonna mess with Leo when we get home, right?" Mikey whispers, watching as you and Leo start a conversation. "Why of course, my dear brother." Donnie pats his head while Raphael nods.

"Well, if you guys need anything else, wave me over. It was nice to meet you guys, hopefully I'll get to know more of you." You glance at Leo and wink, walking off to another table.

The other three bid you farewell, Leo watches you with a wobbly smile. "Uh, yeah- sure! Definitely." Leo quickly calls out, watching as you laugh with the other mutant customers. His brothers all share a knowing glance and sigh, "It's always the new guy."


sorry for the wait, hope you enjoyed. i had to change (y/n) to be younger, since Hueso is an adult it would be weird for (y/n) to be his twin and have leo going after them 🧍‍♀️

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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