just out of reach - 2012! turtles x gn! reader

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Just Out Of Reach - 2012! Turtles x GN! Reader

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Just Out Of Reach - 2012! Turtles x GN! Reader


Request- SuperAssbeater69

Request is- "During battle, you sacrifice yourself in order to protect the turtles."


When you and the turtles went out to patrol one night, none of you had expected to come across the Shredder and his soldiers.

You each fought to the best that you could, each time you'd knock someone down, there would be someone else to step in their place. 

From the corner of your eye, you could see Shredder on his way to attack Leonardo from behind. "LEO!" You screamed, shoving away a soldier and running over. Leo turned in your direction as you shoved him out of the way and took the blow.

As Leonardo slammed onto the ground, his eyes widened at the sight of Shredders claws about to pierce through you.

As he rushed to pull you down with him, it was too late. He flinched as the blades stabbed into your stomach.

Your body towered over his, as blood splattered onto his plastron, he began to violently shake and whimper, "(Y-Y/N).."

Shredders claws dug deep in your chest as you let out a gasp for air. The other turtles snapped their heads in your direction and their eyes widened in fear. "(Y/N)!" Mikey screamed in terror.

The sight of their friend dying was one that could never be erased.

Shredder threw you to the side, as you rolled onto the ground your vision became blurrier and blurrier. You could only see the sight of the four boys towering over you and the feeling of their tears spilling onto your face.

"(Y/N)! We're gonna take you to the lab, please don't close your eyes!" Donnie's voice shook as he and Raphael picked you up.

"Just hold on for a bit, (Y/N), we've got you!"

The ringing in your ears got louder until it all finally stopped, and you shut your eyes. Darkness surrounded you and you were gone.

As the boys ran off to the Shell raiser, they knew it. They set you down inside and stared down at your lifeless figure.

Mikey began to quietly sob, holding on your hand as he shook violently.

Raphael turned away from the others, tears slipping down his face as he tried to quietly sob.

Donnie covered his eyes and sat down in his seat, silently crying as he tried to avoid contact with your body.

Leo's eyes were wide in horror as he stood over you, "...It's my fault..they're dead because of me. I didn't notice Shredder and they stepped in to save me. I should've been faster to grab (Y/N) and get them out of the way!"

"..Leo, It isn't your fault-" Donnie began, only to be cut off.

"IT IS MY FAULT!" He began to cry. His brothers stared in shock, not sure of what to say. They knew nothing could change his mind, that's just how he was.

"Let's just go back to the lair." Raph finally spoke, moving over to his seat and plopping down, crossing his arms. "Before anything else happens."

"...Okay." Leo whispered, turning away and into his seat. He began to drive off, the ride back was silent and intense.

You were just out of reach.


hey! sorry for the wait. i hope you enjoyed reading this.

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