safe here - bayverse! raph x fem! reader

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Safe Here - Bayverse! Raph x Fem! Reader

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Safe Here - Bayverse! Raph x Fem! Reader


Request- smol_angry_robot

Request is- "Raph gets injured in a fight while out doing his vigilante work. He breaks into (Y/N)'s apartment to escape from a battle, she treats his wounds and comforts him when he rants to her about his brothers."


The first person he thought to go to was you, his crush. When you heard the sound of loud banging in your living room from your room, you instantly panicked and grabbed a baseball bat from the side of your bed.

You creeped out of your room slowly, the sound of shuffling in your living room growing louder only increased your panic.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" You shouted before swinging your bat down. You quickly stopped mid-air once you recognized the bulky body to be Raph's.

"Crap, sorry..!" You put the bat down, running to turn the lights on. When you saw him, your eyes widened in shock. "What happened with you?"

"Just got into a fight." His rough voice sounded harsher than usual and you lightly flinched. "Give me a sec, I'll help your injuries."

Rushing into the bathroom and grabbing a medic kit, you rushed back out and sat with him on the couch.

"You've really gotta be careful when you go out by yourself.." You mumbled, pulling out your supplies. Raph rolled his eyes slightly, "I'll be fine."

You could feel the tension, deciding to not continue with your scolding you leaned closer to his face to clean up the blood.

He slightly moved back in embarrassment, his cheeks becoming hot. "Stay still." You spoke, pulling his face back closer and cleaning it up.

"So, what's bothering you?"

"Nothings bothering me."

"Your brothers?"


You pulled out some bandages and glanced at him, "Talk to me."

He sighs, "It's just the usual. Leo's been getting on my nerves even more than usual."

You raised a brow, "What's Leo been doing? The usual or..?"

His groans this time, "Him and his stupid leader act! He's been getting on my nerves even more lately and he won't knock it off. Not to mention Mikey, the guy never shuts his mouth!"

You wrapped the bandage on his arm, "And Donnie?"

He shrugs, "Donnie ain't much of a problem, but he needs to shut it up a little with him and those toys of his."

You hummed, "I'll be back." You packed away your stuff and put the kit away. On the way back you stop into the kitchen and pour a glass of water.

"Drink." You hand him the cup and he grabs it. He glances at you, his heart beating a bit faster than usual. He moves the cup to his lips and drinks.

He sets it to the side and crosses his arms,

You shake your head, "You don't need to apologize Raph, I care about you."

He gets embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck. "U-Uh, so..I was just- wonderin something."

You nodded, "What's up?"

"..Uh, what're your opinions" His voice lowers. You tilt your head in thought, "Hmm..well, I haven't really thought about it much but I'd be up for it. How about you?"

He coughs, "Uh, same."

You bat your eyelashes, "Oooh~"

He looks away, "But I'm a turtle, so.." He looks down to the floor, "I'd be too worried if I hurt the person, though."

You lean onto his shoulder, "Don't worry about that! If we were dating- I mean, uh, let's just say..What I mean is, I wouldn't be worried of you hurting me. Cause I know who you are, you care for the people you love. So don't worry about it."

You awkwardly look to the side and pick yourself off from him, you cheeks blazing. He looks away, "..Thanks." 

He looks at the bandages on his body, "Thanks again for this. Sorry for waking you up.." He stands up, making his way to the window. "You don't need to worry, stop by again if you need. Remember Raph, you're always safe here..with me."

He glances back at you, shooting you a quick nod before jumping off quickly, you watch as he disappears into the night and you sigh, "Good night, Raph."


i hope u liked this :}

requests: CLOSED! i am currently NOT taking requests. if i have already accepted to
do your request from earlier, i am working on it now.
— i promise that my request box will be opened really soon. (probably a week or less !) but please come back and check to see if i've opened it so you can make a request 💗 you can either check on recent chapters, or in the description of this book. thank you for understanding.

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