never again - 2012! leo x fem! drowning! reader

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Never Again - 2012! Leo x Fem! Drowning! Reader

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Never Again - 2012! Leo x Fem! Drowning! Reader


Request- leddergirl

Request is- "An attack from the Krang in the sewers causes (Y/N) to drown, her boyfriend, Leo, is there to save her."


You and your boyfriend, Leonardo, walk through the sewers late at night. You were on a mission to find a certain technology lost by the Krang for Donnie, and you had been searching for over three hours now.

You hold onto Leo's hand as you tiredly look around. "I really don't think we'll find much today, Leo."

He sighs, "Yeah, we should probably just check this one last area then head back."

You nod, and split up with him to check one certain area while he checks another one out. The piece of technology was small, but surely you'd be able to tell the different from alien technology and a can of fifty year old soup.

You took a glance at the area you were in. It was dangerous- there was a giant pool of sewer water surrounding the two of you. It was loud and you could feel the concrete under your feet shaking. You knew that if you fell in it would be over for you, so you anxiously walk slowly and careful.

'I've just gotta be on high alert. I can't fall off this path..' You think, nervously looking around for the Krang tool.

You look around for a while, making small talk with Leo every now and then. You were tired, you wanted to go home because you knew you wouldn't be able to find this certain technology.

"Someone's coming, (Y/N)!" Leo whisper-shouts. You snap your head to the entrance of the tunnel, listening on the approaching footsteps. When they finally got closer, you recognized them instantly and got ready to fight.

"Oh of course, Krang bots always gotta come and ruin the day." You bitterly mumbled, picking up a random pipe from the ground and smashing an approaching bot in the head.

You thought things were going fine, but when you let your guard down for one second to check on Leonardo from across the sewer, a Krang bot harshly kicks your leg, causing you to let out a cry and falling into the rapidly moving sewer water.

Leo quickly slices another bot before jumping into the water after you. The two of you get pushed around by the pressure, and you couldn't move your legs properly when one of them was already getting bruised up.

'Crap,' You could feel yourself becoming even more tired, your eyes slowly shut and your body grows limp while Leonardo's eyes widen as he watches.

Leo is finally able to grab onto you and quickly swim up, trying his best to quickly make it out of the water before it's too late.

Rising up from out of the water he quickly sets you down out of the water. He climbs out and tries his best to do CPR.

"Come on, come on.." He pushes on your chest. He felt like he was about to pass out from all of the shock and worry.

You eventually start to respond and Leo let's out a shaky sigh of relief. 'Thank you Donnie for teaching us how to do this...'

When you finally started to breathe again, Leo quickly plants a kiss on your forehead. He picks you up and in a hurry makes his way back to the lair.

Eventually on the way you finally wake up- causing Leo to come to a stop and hug you.

"Thank god you're okay.." He mumbles, holding onto you.

You hug back tiredly, "Yeah, me too. Thank you for saving me- But could you please hurry and take me to see Donnie? Like, right now...?"

"Oh- right! My bad!" He wastes no time in hoisting you up and running back to the lair. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you before you drowned, (Y/N). I really failed, huh?"

You could feel the way his hold on you gets harder, but you don't comment on it. "Don't worry about it, Leo. It's not your fault, it's mine. You didn't fail, you're saving me now, and that makes you my hero."

You could see him finally smile, and he runs even faster. "Let's get you fixed up at Donnie's lab and finally back home now, (Y/N). I promise that this will never happen again as long as I'm here, because I love you."

This was the first time he had ever said that to you, and you couldn't stop the smile growing on your face. "I love you, too."


hope you liked this 😗💗 sorry for the wait !

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️

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