we've got you - 2014! mikey x non-binary! reader x 2014! donnie

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We've got you - 2014! Mikey x Non-Binary! Reader x 2014! Donnie

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We've got you - 2014! Mikey x Non-Binary! Reader x 2014! Donnie


Request- Sinopia

Request is- "Reader suffers from global arthritis and sometimes it's hard for them to even move out of bed because of the pain. Donnie and Mikey are always there to help and take care of them."


"Ugh, thanks again for coming over so early to help me out, guys. I really appreciate this.."

You thank the boys as they help you get out of bed. It takes you a moment as the boys hold onto you, but you're able to eventually begin walking to the bathroom with the boys making sure you're able to get there alright.

"It's no problem at all, (Y/N)! Really, you don't have to thank us." Donnie smiles as he helps you into the bathroom. "Yeah, no worries! You're our friend!" Mikey smiles.

"I'll be out in a few minutes, you two can help yourself to whatever you want in the fridge." You shut the door and leave it unlocked. "Alright, we'll be in the living room. Just call us if you need anything!" Donnie walks off and sits on the couch, Mikey rummages through your fridge for milk to pour into his cereal.

Eventually when you finally finish getting ready, you call out for the boys to come help you make your way into the living room. Donnie and Mikey make their way to the bathroom to come and help you out. Mikey instantly reaches to open the door but Donnie smacks him, "Knock first, idiot! They could be naked or something!" He whisper shouts. "Oops!" Mikey laughs, knocking on the door.

"Come in!" You call out, wincing due to the slight stiffness that you're feeling, causing the two to frown. "You okay?" Donnie worryingly asks.

Mikey is quick to stay by your side and place a comforting touch on your back, the boys' kindness causes you to smile through the pain.

"I'll be alright."

It's been this way for a while now, having the two boys help you out when needed. Of course Leo and Raph were always there to help you when needed- but Mikey and Donnie were the ones who were there almost all the time. It made you feel guilty at certain points when the boys would come over to help but they always reassure you it was fine.

Their reassurance made things more comforting for you and your bond with the two grew even closer. You got along really well with the two turtle boys when you'd hang out. Mainly at your place- though. It was easier to stay at your place when it took a bit of an effort to get through the sewers.

They have been a big help for you when needed it. Donnie having more of an idea about your arthritis than Mikey did- but the orange masked turtle always tried his best.

"Yo, (Y/N)! Let's play some video games!" Mikey throws you a controller as Donnie helps you onto the couch. "You're on! I've always been better than the two of you at this game." You smirk, making the turtles gasp out dramatically.

Mikey places a hand on his hip, "You did NOT just go there, (Y/N)!"

Donnie pulls up his glasses, "Well- according to my calculations...I'm totally gonna kick your guys' shells!"

"Heck no, Donnie!"

"Uh, heck yes, Mikey!"


You smile at the two brothers, watching them bicker as they choose their character. 'I'm so happy that they're here. I have some awesome turtle friends.'

"(Y/N), choose your character!" Mikey snaps you out of your thoughts.

You quickly select your character, "Sorry! Zoned out for a second." You nervously laugh.

Donnie turns to face you, "You okay?" He asks.

You blush nervously, "Uh, I'm just glad that you guys are here. Thank you for everything. I love you guys so much."

"Aw, we love you too, (Y/N)."



Hey! I hope this was okay? I tried my best, but I didn't know too much about global arthritis so I hope this was okay? If there's something you want me to change please let me know!! Enjoy 💗

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