i'm here now - 2016! donnie x child! reader

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I'm here now - 2016! Donnie x Child! Reader

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I'm here now - 2016! Donnie x Child! Reader


Request- S203324

Request is- "Donnie finds the reader (who is 6) crying in the sewers due to her parents being killed. He decides to take her in with him and his family.


Donatello carefully peeked behind the corner, watching you sobbing in a pile of trash. 'What's a little girl doing in these parts of the sewers alone?'

Originally, Donnie left his lab to look around for any thrown out parts that he could use for one of his newest inventions, instead he found you crying to yourself.

Donnie debated to himself if he should come out and talk to you. He knew he couldn't leave you here alone but he was worried if you'd freak out and run off. After all, you were already looking pretty shaken up, how would you react to a giant turtle who lived in the sewers?

He slowly approached you, making sure he left a distance between the two of you. "U-Uh, excuse me, but are you okay?"

Your head shot up and looked over at the source of the voice. Once you saw Donnie, your eyes widened in fear and you covered your body to try and protect yourself somehow.

"P-please don't hurt me! Y-you already took my parents, I promise I won't say anything!"

You cried out, waiting for the pain to come and strike you but it never did. "I won't hurt you, it's okay!"

You slowly uncovered yourself to look into the eyes of the green mutant.

"What's your name?" The giant said, coming closer over to you and crouching down.

You took a second to look at him before speaking, "(Y/N) (L/N)."

He smiled while putting his hand out for you to shake. You lightly shook it even if his hands were way bigger than yours. "My name is Donatello, but you can just call me Donnie."


After crying while explaining your situation to Donnie, he told you that you could come and stay in his 'lair' with his family. He explained to you that there were three more turtles and a giant rat man, and told you that you didn't have to worry. He even explained he was friends with two other humans named April and Casey. After he told you that he knew humans, you seemed to trust him a bit more.

The two of you made your way over to the lair and was instantly greeted by another turtle with an orange mask.

"WOAH, whose this?!" The turtle crouched downed to your level and you immediately took a step back and hid yourself behind Donnies leg.

"Becareful Mikey, you'll scare her."

Suddenly two more turtles came out and made their over to you. Donnie tried to quickly explain what the situation was but before he could Splinter had walked out. "What is going on here, my sons?"

Your eyes widened in horror at the rat man in front of you and you held onto Donnies leg tighter. "I-.." You let out a shaky gasp which causes everyone to look down at you.

"I-It's okay, they're my family! They're super nice!"

"Expect for Raph." Mikey laughed, which caused who you guessed was Raph to smack him on his bald head.

You didn't reply, instead you just squeezed Donnies leg tighter. "H-hey, you can go sit over there, the TV's on and there's some pizza if you want. I just have to talk to these guys about something, okay? You slowly nodded and quickly left, carefully trying to not bump into the other turtles.


After a while, you noticed that Donnie still hadn't come back and you were still panicking. You wished your mom and dad were here but they weren't. They were gone. Where were you going to go? You hadn't met any of your other family before besides your grandparents who didn't even live in America and you began to hug yourself to try and comfort yourself.

Donnie walked back in with his family, they all sat down with you and began to ask you questions about yourself and your family. After a short while Splinter tells you that you're more than welcome to stay with them down here, understanding you didn't have a home to go to and even if he got April or Casey to take you to a police station, Splinter worried if you'd tell anyone about their existence.

A little while later Donnie had even shown you his lab which you excitedly looked at. You listened to some of the stuff he'd tell you and you happily listened. When Donnie showed you where you could sleep for the night, you quickly gave him a hug. When you pulled away Donnie smiled and pat you on your head, "It's okay, I'm here now."


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