for us - 2012! leo x ex-foot soldier! fem! reader

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For us - 2012! Leo x Ex-Foot Soldier! Fem! Reader

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For us - 2012! Leo x Ex-Foot Soldier! Fem! Reader


Request- PastelColoredZarkon

Request is- "Leo and (Y/N) are dating in secret, but the problem is that (Y/N)'s in the foot clan. One night (Y/N) decides to run away and forget about her family ties to the shredder to be with Leo. Karai finds out, but she lets her go because she cares deeply for (Y/N) and wants the best for her."


'Tonight's the night. I gotta be quick or else I'm dead.'  You sneakily think to yourself as you walk through the building. You pass other soldiers who don't seem to pay any attention to you.

You were finally leaving the foot clan, going to
forget your family ties to the shredder and stay with your boyfriend, Leo. You had been planning this for some time with him and it was finally happening tonight.

You pull out your phone and text Leo.

"I'm almost there, just give me some time."

Alright, just stay safe. I'm near the building outside.

Kk, see you soon.

See you.

You go into your little room and grab a bag. You shove in all of your belongings, which wasn't much- once you finish you slip it on and make your way out the room. You begin to
grow even more nervous as you walk through the hallway.

You stop down the hallway and look around to make sure no one was around. Turning back around, you open up a vent that could lead you safely outside. You pulled the map out of your pocket to double check it. You fold it back up and shove it away safely.

Crouching down, you're about to crawl in when a cough stops you. Bashing your head, you quickly get back up.

"K-Karai! Whatcha up to?" You giggle nervously, balling your hands into fists. The girl crosses her arms, and frowns.

"Just be honest with me." She cuts straight to the point.

You're silent for a moment before sighing. "Karai, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving. There's someone I want to spend my life with but I can't be here to do that." You quickly look down, too scared to see her expression.

Karai doesn't say anything. She only walks closer to you and you tense up. "Alright. Go."

Your eyes widen and you snap your head up to the girl. "W-Wait, for real?"

She nods, "I only want the best for you, (Y/N). You're like my sister and I care about you so much. Even if I may not know how to show it often..." She chuckled at the end, but went back to her serious demeanor quickly. She quickly wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into her. You wrapped your arms around her and hugged back.

Karai pulls away and begins to walk off, "Tell Leonardo I said hi, then." She smirks before heading off.

'How did she know- actually, never mind.'

You quickly make your way out of there and ran to where you were supposed to meet your
boyfriend. You hear him whisper-shout your name and you turn to see him wave down an

You ran over to him and quickly hugged him. The two of you kiss quickly before pulling away. "Did anyone spot you?" He anxiously asks. "No, only Karai."

"Okay that's good- WAIT? HOLD ON-"

You smile, "Don't worry, trust me."

Leo is hesitant before nodding, "Okay. I trust you."

You sigh and fall into his arms again, "I'm so happy."

Leo hugs you back, chuckling. "Me too. Let's go home. It's a new start for us."

The two of you walk hand in hand. You smile to yourself, 'This is the start of something great. Let's just hope the Shredder doesn't find out...'


Hope this was okay?? Sorry if I took some time to write it!

I've got lots of requests right now, so if you've requested please be patient- I'm almost there! 💗

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