just the way you are - 2012! donnie x nerd! reader

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Just the way you are - Donnie x reader

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Just the way you are - Donnie x reader


Request: Wheeljacklover

"Something cute and fluffy"


Sighing, you dragged yourself down into the lair to see your boyfriend, Donnie. You had just came from school and you were not in the best mood.

You, being a bit of a nerd does cause some of the other kids to pick on you and it normally didn't bother you. Not until today, at least.

You couldn't find your contacts this morning and was forced to come to school with your glasses. Nobody has seen you wearing them besides your family and when some of the girls made fun of how the glasses fit your face, you began to feel really insecure.

You greeted Mikey, Leo and Raph who were doing their own thing. "Is Donnie here?" You ask Leo.

He nods, "In the lab."

You nod and before you can leave Mikey jumps over to you from his spot at the TV.
"I didn't know you wore glasses, (Y/N)! Super cool!"

Leo nods in agreement, Raph shrugs his shoulders, not sure how to compliment you. "Yeah." He says which makes you smile, feeling a tad bit better.

"Thanks guys!"


You knock on the door to the lab, you hear your purple masked boyfriend tell you to come in and you do.

"Hey Donnie.."

Your boyfriend drops the screwdriver he was holding and turned to look at you. His eyes widened, "Wow.."

You groan and cover your face. "Sorry, I know, I look stupid. I already got enough crap from school about them so-"

Donnie cuts you off by wrapping you in his arms. "You look absolutely beautiful! You should have told me you had glasses. Don't let anybody tell you that you look awful, cause you don't. You're perfect just the way you are."

This makes you burst into tears, and Donnie panics. "UuuuHhh???"

You giggle, "Sorry, what you said really was adorable. Thank you Donnie."

He wipes your tears and smiles, "Come, let me show you what I made!"

You giggle, "Of course!"


I hope this was cute enough :) I did put a small bit of the other turtles x reader to make it a bit fluffier too. Hope you enjoyed this!

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