never be alone - 2012! turtles x fem! reader

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Never Be Alone - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Reader

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Never Be Alone - 2012! Turtles x Fem! Reader


Request- Demon_Kat138

Request is- "The reader is having some struggles and decides to go to Master Splinter for advice. When she exists the dojo the turtles, who were eavesdropping, comfort her and tell her that they cherish her.


So many thoughts had been overwhelming you. Your negative thoughts pooled in like a wave and swallowed you. It's been so hard for you to keep having your usual 'positive' act.

You've been keeping up the 'i'm okay' act for the longest time now and you just needed help. You decided to speak to Master Splinter one night before you went home.

You weren't sure if you should or not, but Master had always seemed to realize something was up with you. He told you quite often that if you needed someone, he was willing to lend a hand.

And when you finally went to see him one night, it all spilled out of you.

"...It just hurts so much when I have to pretend like I'm okay. This act has been going on for so long and every time I pretend that I'm okay it just makes me feel even worse," You clench your fists as you speak, holding back any tears.

"I'm always so scared to be alone, because when I am it's just me and my thoughts. It's just so...scary? Being alone scares me so much. I feel like eventually everyone in my life will realize how I'm not that useful to them and that I'm such a mess up that they'll just throw me away. They'll all forget about me."

Master Splinter places a comforting hand onto your shoulder. "(Y/N), my child, you are a very strong young woman. You are not useless to any of us, everyone in your life cares and cherishes you dearly."

You glance up, staring into his eyes as you try harder to hold back tears. Your eyes are glossy from the tears being trapped in your eyes.

"You are an extraordinary friend and daughter. You should never forget your worth, (Y/N). I appreciate you and all that you have done for my family. You should never let the darkness consume you and win, and I know that you will never let that happen," He warmly smiles when he sees the tears spilling out of your eyes, "You are needed, (Y/N). We all care for you, because you are not alone in life."

After a while of you lightly crying, you thank him before stepping out of the dojo. You close
the door behind you and wipe your tears as you begin to make your way home.

You didn't even see how the four turtles each stood behind the door, listening on your conversation. "(Y/N)!" Mikey cried out as he rushes over to you before you could step out of the lair.

"Wha..?" You mumble, turning around as Mikey hugs you tighter. You hug him back in confusion, watching as the others come over
with sad faces.

"(Y/N), we're sorry for listening on your private conversation with Master Splinter, but we just had to.." Leo says, as he makes his way over to you and places a hand on your shoulder. Donnie comes over and holds onto you as Raph lightly hugs you from the side.

The turtles hug you tightly and lovingly. "We love you, (Y/N)!!" Mikey wails, tears in his eyes. "We'll always be here for you, (Y/N)." Donnie reassuringly says, Raph nods in agreement.

Leo gives your shoulder a light squeeze as he flashes you a loving smile, "I promise that you're never gonna be alone, (Y/N). We're here for you, and we always will be. I swear it."


hope you liked this ❤️

i love you all 💘 thanks for all the support and positive messages

requests: open! feel free to request while my request box is still open.

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