hanahaki - rise! donnie x male! reader

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Hanahaki - Rise! Donnie x Male! Reader

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Hanahaki - Rise! Donnie x Male! Reader


Request- witxsketch

Request is- Hanahaki is a fictional disease  in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The disease will end when the beloved returns romantic feelings for the victim, or when the victim dies. It can be cured by surgical removal, but once it's removed, the victims romantic feelings for their love are gone as well.


You weakly sat down next to your toilet and began to cough violently. Your parents weren't home and you were by yourself. You began to gasp for air, finally being able to cough out that one really annoying petal that got caught inside your throat.

"Finally..." You weakly stood up and flushed the toilet. You rinsed out your mouth from all of the blood that you had just coughed up. "Ew." You slowly, and carefully, walked to the kitchen to get some water to drink.

You didn't even bother to eat at this point because you would just throw it all up with those stupid petals.

You looked down at your phone and saw a message. It was from the group chat you were in with the turtles and April. They were trying to get you to come down to the lair but you didn't bother to unlock your phone. You quickly locked all your doors and windows, closing every blind and shutting the lights off everywhere. You didn't want them to come all the way to your apartment and drag you out. Especially when your condition is getting worse.

Sure, you could ask Donnie for help- seeing as he is smart, and nice to you and everything and-. You decided to just google any questions you had and clear your search history so your parents couldn't see. 

The problem was that, it was Donnies fault that you were like this. You didn't blame him for this, it really was your own fault for falling in love with this turtle.

You had the silly thought of trying to talk him into falling back in love with you. The two of you dating, holding hands, kissing-

"Fuc-" You ran to the bathroom and began to violently cough up blood and flower petals. This time you began to choke for air as something began to crawl out your throat.

Your eyes widened in horror when you hear voices from outside the bathroom window. 'Thank god I shut the blinds. I'm so stupid, of course they'd come and visit me. I've been ignoring their texts and calls all week and I haven't even seen their faces. I even took a whole fucking week off school just to avoid April!'

You tried to hold in any coughs and to not make any noise but you couldn't control it when you heard Donnies voice, and you could tell he was standing on the little balcony you had. "You guys think he's okay? I'm worried.."

You then began to cough the ugliest and loudest that you've ever coughed. You gasped for air and choked- trying to get what ever this big ass lump was out of your throat.

"(Y/N)?! Is that you?" April shouted but you couldn't say anything.

That's when you heard one of your windows smash open and footsteps running to the bathroom. You quickly locked the door before Donnie could open the door handle. "D-dont.."

Raph grabbed the door and pulled it off, tossing it somewhere behind him. Don ran in and leaned down to your side. "What's wrong?! Why haven't you been answering
us, are you okay?!"

You couldn't even reply, you just coughed. Donnie pat your back and you coughed up so much blood and out came a whole rose. You began to pull out some stems with the thorns attached, and once you pulled them out you could literally feel how scratched up you were inside. It hurt to try and talk so you kept quiet as your friends watched in horror.

"(Y/N)..." Donnie held onto you. The other lady decided to slowly leave the room, they knew you had feelings for Donnie but what they didn't know was the fact that you were suffering with this disease.


"W-ith you.." You struggled to speak, and you watched as Donnies eyes widened. Your eyes began to close and you could see Donnie panic even more. "Stay, stay (Y/N)! Guys! We need to-"

And you passed out, too exhausted in the moment.


You woke up and looked around, noticing you were in Donnies lab. "You're awake, finally." You saw Splinter walk in with tea and you took it in an instant.

"I already knew you loved purple but I never realized this was going on. You should have told one of us sooner. Or, your parents."

You frowned, "I- I don't know why I didn't. I was scared if they took me to the surgery and-"

Splinter motioned you to keep quiet, and you did. "I will bring purple in." He said, walking out of the lab. Not even a second later, Donnie runs in. "(Y/N)!"

"Hey Donnie.."

He sits down next to you on a chair, frowning. It was silent for awhile until he broke it. "So it was me this whole time?"

You give a small nod.

Donnie stares at you before locking his lips with your own.

He quickly pulls away and suddenly all of your strength comes back. You sit up and stare at him. It almost felt as if your insides were cleansed.

"I guess after I realized that if you left me, I'd be lost. You're my best friend, (Y/N). I love love you."

"I love you too, Donatello."

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